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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2022-04-06 21:04:59  


摘 要



本文基于事件史分析的纵向案例研究方法,以1995 ~2015年SONY公司建立的联盟网络为对象,考察了联盟网络的五个特征与治理模式之间的关系,包括联盟网络规模、网络异质性、网络中心度、网络强度以及共享愿景。研究结果表明,与1995 ~2004 年相比,在2005 ~2015 年,SONY更多采用了股权型联盟,通过扩大网络规模、增强网络异质性、提高SONY的网络中心度及网络强度、发展联盟成员的共享愿景,实现联盟治理模式在联盟组建各个阶段治理模式的转变。企业管理者可以通过有意识地设计联盟网络组合和联盟网络特征来实现治理模式转变。

关键词:技术联盟 网络特征 治理模式 索尼公司

Evolution of Collaborative Technology Alliance Network Characteristics and Governance Model- A longitudinal case study


With the continuous economic development and progress of science and technology so that technological innovation cycles continue to shorten; people, business to business links lead to freedom or enterprise network externalities growing; innovation and technology integration is also reflected in its complexity . Companies are trying to rely on their own resources is very difficult to continue to maintain a competitive advantage. Therefore, access to resources and capabilities complementary, more and more enterprises to build technology alliance.

This paper describes the technology alliance major theoretical perspectives, combined with domestic and foreign experts for technical research alliance, we raised the issue of the current corporate governance model technology alliance's presence, and Network features affect governance model were analyzed. At the same time, select Sony as the case of this article, since Sony has its very long "league career", so Sony's technology research alliance governance able to draw practical and theoretical experience can learn for newcomers.

In this paper, the relationship between longitudinal case study method based on event history analysis to Network from 1995 to 2015, Sony established as an object, examines the Alliance Network features five modes of governance, including the Network of scale, heterogeneous networks , network centrality, network strength and shared vision. The results show that compared with 1995 to 2004, 2005 to 2015, Sony uses a more equity-based alliance, through the expansion of the network to enhance network heterogeneity, improve the degree of Sony's network-centric and network strength, development alliance members shared vision to achieve the formation of coalition governance in the Union at all stages of transformation governance model. Enterprise managers can by consciously Network Design and Network features a combination of governance to achieve a paradigm shift.

Key words:Technology Alliance; Network characteristic; Governance Model; Sony company

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 研究方法及主要内容 2

1.2.1 研究方法 2

1.2.2 论文主要内容 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1技术联盟的相关概述 4

2.1.1 技术联盟的内涵 4

2.1.2技术联盟产生的原因 4

2.2 关于技术联盟网络特征的研究 5

2.2.1技术联盟网络成因的研究 5

2.2.2 技术联盟网络特征的分析维度 6

2.3 技术联盟治理模式相关概述 8

2.3.1 治理的概念及理论基础 8

2.3.2 治理模式的分类 9

2.4 技术联盟网络特征与联盟治理模式相互关系的研究 10

2.5 文献述评 10

第三章 技术联盟网络特征维度对治理模式的影响 12

3.1 结构维度对治理模式的影响 12

3.1.1 网络规模 12

3.1.2 网络异质性 12

3.2 关系维度对治理模式的影响 13

3.2.1 网络中心度 13

3.2.2 网络强度 14

3.3 认知维度——共享愿景 14

第四章 案例分析 15

4.1 研究设计 15

4.1.1 案例选择 15

4.1.2 数据来源 15

4.1.3 研究方法 15

4.2 案例分析 16

4.2.1 索尼的联盟网络 16

4.2.2 联盟网络特征对治理模式的影响 18

第五章 研究结论与展望 21

5.1 结论与启示 21

5.2 局限性及展望 21

参考文献 23

致 谢 26

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

自上世纪90 年代以来,随着全球经济竞争愈演愈烈,由于技术创新而使得产品更新迭代的速度加快;信息的快速传播使得人与人、企业与企业的自由链接越来越频繁,从而导致人或企业的网络外部性不断增强,企业试图依靠自身的技术、人才、产品等原有资源,已很难持续保持竞争优势,必须将视角转向外部外部网络,建立自己的技术资源网络系统,缔结技术联盟。



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