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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2022-04-06 21:00:07  


摘 要




关键词:Buck变换器 补偿网络 传递函数 小信号分析法 Bode图法

Design of BUCK converter for voltage control mode


As a kind of topology structure, Buck converter is very important in the design of switching power supply. Engineers have also been focused on the modeling and dynamic response of the switching converter and other basic research to further study the dynamic characteristics of the switch converter. These studies can provide theoretical guidance for the follow-up study, as well as can make us more convenient to design the compensation network, improve the stability of power supply system, has important theoretical and practical significance.

In this paper, the basic principle of Buck converter is studied in this paper. The continuous conduction mode (CCM), discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) and critical conduction mode (BCM) are analyzed in detail in this paper. Because at the end of this article is to design a reasonable main switch circuit, and the simulation to verify the feasibility, so we want to model of the main circuit. Then the the model calculate the transfer function, deduced the open-loop transfer function, and its characteristics were analyzed.

Through the MATLAB software to generate the transfer function of the Bode diagram to judge the stability of the system, and then design a compensation network, and ultimately determine the stability of the system. Finally, the parameters of the system are selected, and the simulation is carried out by using Saber software. The simulation results prove that the designed system meets the stability criteria.

Keywords:Buck converter;Compensation network;Small signal analysis;transfer function;Bode model

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3未来发展方向 2

1.4本文主要工作 2

第二章 Buck变换器的基本原理 3

2.1 Buck变换器的工作原理 3

2.2 Buck变换器的稳态分析 3

2.2.1电流连续导通模式(CCM) 3

2.2.2 电流断续导通模式(DCM) 4

2.2.3 临界导通模式(BCM) 5

2.2.4 Buck变换器的三种模式小结 5

2.3 Buck变换器的输出输入电压之间的关系 6

2.4 Buck变换器电路调制模式 6

2.5 Buck变换器的电路控制模式 6

2.5.1电压反馈控制模式 6

2.5.2电流反馈控制模式 8

2.6 小结 8

第三章 压控型Buck变换器的建模及判稳 9

3.1 压控型Buck变换器的系统组成和原理 9

3.2压控型Buck变换器小信号建模分析 10

3.2.1压控型Buck变换器的小信号建模 10

3.2.2 Buck变换器的小信号模型传递函数 14

3.3Buck变换器闭环控制系统的判稳 15

3.3.1 相位和幅值裕度 15

3.3.2 基于Bode图的稳定性分析 16

3.4小结 16

第四章 压控型Buck变换器的系统参数选择 17

4.1设计方案 17

4.1.1 开关变换电路参数选取 17

4.1.2栅极驱动变压器的设计 20

4.2控制方式的选择 21

4.2.1 调制模式选择 21

4.2.2 PWM控制芯片的选择和外围电路 21

4.3 分析Buck变换器开环函数并设计补偿网络 22

4.3.1 Buck变换器开环传递函数分析 22

4.3.2 Buck变换器的补偿网络的设计 24

4.3.3补偿后的系统传递函数分析 26

4.4 小结 27

第五章 Buck变换器的模块仿真 28

第六章 结论与展望 31

参考文献 32

致谢 35

第一章 绪论



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