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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2022-03-29 19:48:03  


摘 要


本文以大豆乳清蛋白为研究对象,采用孔径为5 nm的陶瓷膜对乳清废水进行超滤实验,考察不同操作条件对超滤过程分离性能的影响,并结合Cake-complete模型对膜污染机理进行分析研究。最后通过实验发现,随着压力的增大,乳清蛋白截留率先升高再降低,在0.15 MPa下达到最大值41.5 %。随着pH的增大,蛋白质截留率也是先升高再降低,在pH为6的条件下达到最大值73.3 %。蛋白质截留率受温度的影响不大。在膜阻力中,膜固有阻力占总阻力的小部分,约占16.6 %,而大部分则是浓差极化阻力和膜污染阻力,分别占了50.9 %和32.5 %。此外,采用组合模型对实验数据的拟合效果最佳,说明膜污染过程并非由单一机理控制,而是由多种污染类型共同造成的。以上结果为进一步的工业应用奠定了基础。

关键词:豆乳清蛋白 超滤 无机陶瓷膜 模型

Ultrafiltration separation and membrane fouling of soybean whey wastewater


Soybean is one of the most abundant plants with protein content, and it is usually processed into various kinds of soybean products. However, to extract soy protein isolate for the purpose of processing enterprises, every day to discharge a large number of whey wastewater, whey wastewater is a high concentration of organic wastewater, if the direct discharge, not only cause serious pollution to the water body, but also a waste of biomass resources. Membrane separation technology as a new technology used in food processing industry, has the advantages of good separation effect, simple process, energy saving and high efficiency.

The soybean whey protein as the research object, with a pore size of 5 nm ceramic membrane ultrafiltration experiments were carried out for soybean whey wastewater. The effects of different operating conditions influence on the separation performance of the ultrafiltration process, combined with Cake-complete model of membrane fouling mechanisms were analyzed. Finally, through the experiment, with the increase of pressure, the protein retention rate will increase first and then decrease, reaching a maximum value of 41.5% at 0.15 MPa. With the increase of PH, the protein retention rate is also increased and then decreased, reaching the maximum value of 73.3% under the condition of pH 6. Protein entrapment efficiency was not affected by temperature. In addition, the fitting effect of the experimental data by the combination model is the best, which indicates that the membrane fouling process is not controlled by a single mechanism, but is caused by a variety of pollution types. These results lay the foundation for further industrial application.

KEYWORDS:soybean whey protein; ultrafiltration;ceramic membrane;model


摘 要 I


第一章 文献综述 1

1.1 大豆加工废水来源及水质 1

1.1.1 大豆加工废水来源 1

1.1.2 大豆加工废水水质 1

1.2 大豆乳清蛋白的营养价值 2

1.3 超滤的原理 3

1.4 膜污染机理 3

1.5 超滤膜在污水处理中的研究与应用进展 5

1.6 本课题的研究思路 6

第二章 实验部分 7

2.1实验材料 7

2.1.1实验试剂 7

2.1.2实验仪器与装置 7

2.2实验步骤 8

2.2.1 大豆乳清废水的制备 8

2.2.2 通量测定与取样 9

2.2.3 膜污染与清洗 9

第三章 实验结果与分析 11

3.1 陶瓷膜基本性能表征 11

3.2 操作压力对通量的影响 11

3.3 截留率因素影响分析 12

3.4 膜污染机理分析 14

3.5 膜污染阻力分析 18

第四章 结论 20

参考文献 21

致 谢 24

第一章 文献综述

1.1 大豆加工废水来源及水质

1.1.1 大豆加工废水来源

我国有着种植大豆的优良传统。同时我们也利用大豆生产豆腐、豆豉、等各种各样的豆制品。大豆乳清蛋白(WSP)是一种碱溶酸沉性蛋白。大豆乳清蛋白多被当作大豆乳清废水排掉[1]。每年排放的废水高达200万吨,BOD高达10000 mg.L-1,COD高达15000~22000 mg.L-1,超出国家污水排放标准100多倍(BOD 80 mg.L-1,COD 100 mg.L-1[2]

目前,国内的大豆生产能力在50万吨左右,一半出口到90多个国家和地区,一半内销,占到全球每年销售的一半额度[3]。主流的处理工艺会带来很多的大豆废水[4]。大豆乳清蛋白的分子量为2~20 KDa,大豆蛋白具有很好的酸溶解性和优越的乳化性和起泡性,人长期食用大豆蛋白有很好的免疫增强的作用,它还能起到抗肿瘤的效果,所以大豆蛋白在食品加工行业有着相当不错的潜力[5]。本文采用的是超滤,因为超滤有着低消耗,分离效率高,工艺简单等多个方面的优点。


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