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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2022-03-29 19:45:07  


摘 要




关键词:陶瓷膜 纳滤膜 甘油 纯化 应用


For the purification system of biodiesel by-product glycerin used ceramic nanofiltration membrane, in this paper, firstly, there were introduced the development history of membrane separation technology, the types and characteristics of membrane separation technology, and the ceramic nanofiltration membrane and its application. Then it introduced the plight of the biodiesel industry, the problem of insufficient domestic refined glycerol production capacity, and so on. According to the advantage of the ceramic nanofiltration membrane, it illustrated the feasibility of the research that the purification system of biodiesel by-product glycerin used ceramic nanofiltration membrane. According to the above problem, this paper carried out the following work:

Under the different transmembrane pressure difference, it used the ceramic nanofiltration membrane of different aperture experiment were conducted to study the effect of membrane flux and interception effect. The results showed that the interception of NF-3 membrane tube under 4 bar effect is best, the decolorization rate was 23.02%, methanol removal rate was 15.23%, and glycerol purification rate was 45.23%. Simultaneously, the flux of NF-3 membrane tube is 12.87L /(m2h) , at 4 bar.

Through the research work, in this paper, in order to achieve industrial application of ceramic membrane in biodiesel by-product glycerin purification system, it put forward the idea of ​​further research work.

Keywords: ceramic membrane nanofiltration glycerine purification applications

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 文献综述 1

1.1膜分离技术 1

1.1.1膜分离技术的发展 1

1.1.2膜分离技术的特点 2

1.1.3膜分离技术类型 2

1.1.4纳滤膜技术及其应用 3

1.2生物柴油副产物甘油简介 4

1.2.1生物柴油特点 5

1.2.2生物柴油现状 5

1.2.2甘油的简介 6

1.2.4生物柴油副产物甘油开发利用的意义 7

1.3生物柴油副产物甘油纯化的研究现状 7

1.3.1活性炭吸附法 8

1.3.2活性凹凸棒土吸附法 8

1.3.3大孔吸附树脂吸附法 9

1.3.4膜分离技术法 9

1.4目前生物柴油副产物甘油纯化工艺中存在的问题 9

1.5本文研究工作的主要目的、内容及意义 10

第二章 实验部分 12

2.1引言 12

2.2实验部分 12

2.2.1实验试剂与仪器 12

2.2.2膜管信息 14

2.2.3原料液粘度的测定 14

2.2.5检测方法 15

2.3结果与讨论 17

2.3.1不同孔径的膜管对通量的影响 17

2.3.2不同孔径的膜管对脱色率的影响 18

2.3.3不同孔径的膜管对甲醇脱除率的影响 19

2.3.4不同孔径的膜管对甘油提纯率的影响 20

第三章 结论与展望 22

参考文献 23

致 谢 26

第一章 文献综述





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