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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2022-03-13 22:10:53  


摘 要





关键词:烟气冷却器 烟气余热回收 翅片管


Design of Smoke Gas Cooling System for 660MW Unit


The main sources of electricity supply in our country is coal-fired power.But the problem of higher exhaust gas temperature is prevalent in the operation of coal-fired boilers.The problem caused a large amount of waste heat loss during the exhaust process of the boiler, which reduced the boiler thermal efficiency.Therefore, in order to effectively utilize the waste heat of the flue gas of the coal-fired boiler and improve the economic efficiency of the unit. It is necessary to implement the flue gas waste heat recovery project.The flue gas cooler designed for this purpose is used to recover the waste heat from the boiler flue gas and to heat the condensate.

According to the tail flue gas parameters of the 660MW coal-fired boiler, the design parameters of the heat exchanger are calculated (including the heat transfer coefficient, fluid resistance, the size of each component, etc.).Selected heat transfer tube material, and designed to meet the requirements of the ultra-low emission process requirements of the water heat medium flue gas cooling system.

Design in accordance with the DL5000-2000 "thermal power plant design technical regulations" and other standards.After the completion of a reasonable analysis of the economic benefits of this program, and given the corresponding process flow chart, equipment drawings and other drawings.

Key words: Low temperature economizer; Flue gas recovery; Finned tube

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 6

1.1课题研究背景及意义 6

1.1.1课题研究背景 6

1.1.2烟气冷却器的作用 6

1.2烟气冷却器的研究现状和应用现状 7

1.2.1烟气冷却器的研究现状 7

1.2.2翅片管式热管换热器 7

1.2.3H型翅片管的结构及应用 7

1.3“超低排放” 8

1.3.1“超低排放”的提出背景 8

1.3.2“超低排放”的发展过程 9

1.4本论文的研究内容和主要工作 9

第二章 烟气冷却器设计 10

2.1设计数据 10

2.2 系统热力设计工艺流程 10

2.3烟气冷却器的传热设计计算 11

2.3.1热负荷计算 11

2.3.2 H型翅片管选型 11

2.3.3迎风面积和迎风风速 11

2.3.4管外换热系数计算 12

2.3.5 翅片效率ηf的计算 13

2.3.6 以基管外表面为基准的管外换热系数ho 14

2.3.7 管内换热系数 14

2.3.8 计算传热系数Uo(以基管外表面为基准) 15

2.3.9 换热器的传热温差△T 16

2.3.10 传热面积的计算(以基管外表面为基准) 16

2.4烟气冷却器的阻力计算 18

2.5烟气冷却器的强度校核 21

第三章 节能效益及造价分析 23

3.1 回收烟气热功率 23

3.2 凝结水的水流量 23

3.3 THA工况节煤量 23

3.4 净节煤量 24

3.5 节能效益汇总表 24

3.6 整套冷却系统造价估算 24

第五章 总结 26

参考文献 26

致 谢 29

第一章 绪论




在此背景下,燃煤锅炉的排烟余热将成为了不可忽视的一种能源,火电厂锅炉各项热损失中最大的就是排烟损失,所排烟气热量占了锅炉总热损失的70% 一80%。根据统计,许多我国的火力发电厂普遍存在锅炉排烟温度都较多超过设计值的问题。如何有效的减少排烟热损失,充分利用排烟余热,有重要经济意义。


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