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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2022-03-04 21:16:44  


摘 要


关键词:酚类污染物 废水净化 催化净化

Study on Catalytic Purification Mechanism and Technology of High

Concentration Phenol Wastewater


Phenolic organic matter with high toxicity, difficult to degrade the characteristics of industrial waste water is a common pollutant. Phenol, o-xylene, p-cresol are among the most important pollutants. These pollutants are mainly derived from coal coking, petroleum refining, phenol production and some synthetic resin plants.Phenol wasterwater long-term enrichment in the environment will cause great damage to human health and even ecological balance,so phenol wastewater must be strictly treated and meet the national emission standards can be discharged.At present, there are many kinds of treatment methods of phenol wastewater, and the basic principle is divided into chemical oxidation method, physical adsorption method and biodegradation method. For different cases, different methods can be used for treatment.For different situations can be used to deal with different methods.In this paper,the catalytic purification of high concentration of phenol wastewater was carried out by using specific catalyst.The process uses a single fluidization process,the use of flat push pump will be high concentration of phenol water sample into the catalyst with a fluidized bed,the influence of the feed position on the catalytic process was investigated by changing the distance of the feed tube from the fluidized plate;The effect of the method on the method was investigated by changing the temperature of the fluidized bed;The effect of chemical terminology airspeed by changing the amount of the catalyst.The treated water samples were judged by measuring the ammonia content and COD(chemical oxygen demand).And finally come to the best treatment conditions,in which the export of water can be meet the national emission standards.

Key words: Phenolic contaminants; Wastewater treatment; Catalytic purification

目 录



第一章 文献综述 1

1.1 研究课题的提出 1

1.1.1水资源现状 1

1.1.2含酚废水的由来及害处 2

1.2 含酚废水现存主流处理方法 4

1.2.1物化预处理 4

1.2.2二级处理 5

1.2.3深度处理 6

1.3本课题研究的目的、意义和主要内容 9

第二章 实验部分 10

2.1实验装置及试剂 10

2.2实验水样配制 11

2.3 实验步骤 11

2.4 分析方法 12

2.4.1 COD测定 12

2.4.2 氨氮测定 13

第三章 催化净化工艺研究 15

3.1 结果与讨论 15

3.1.1 以高浓度苯酚废水进行工艺考察(采用单台流化工艺) 15

3.1.2 低浓度含酚废水净化工艺 18

3.1.3 工艺应用 19

3.2 本章小结 20

第四章 结论与展望 21

4.1 结论 21

4.2 展望 21

参考文献 23

致 谢 25

第一章 文献综述

1.1 研究课题的提出





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