2022-01-29 20:23:57
摘 要
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 嵌段共聚物 1
1.1.1 嵌段共聚物的概念 1
1.1.2 嵌段共聚物的微相分离和自组装简述 1
1.1.3 均孔结构的制备方法 2
1.阳极氧化法 2
2.模板法 3
3.核径迹蚀刻 5
4.纳微加工 5
1.2 嵌段共聚物多孔膜 6
1.2.1 概述 6
1.2.2 制备嵌段共聚物多孔薄膜的方法 6
1.纳米蚀刻模版法 6
2.非溶剂诱导相分离法 6
3.选择性溶胀法 7
4.选择性去除 9
1.3 嵌段共聚物膜自组装控制方法简述 10
1.3.1 基地表面改性 10
1.3.2 电场诱导 11
1.3.3 溶剂蒸汽退火 12
1.4 聚砜-b-聚乙二醇 12
1.4.1 聚砜简述 12
1.4.2 聚乙二醇简述 13
1.5 本课题的研究思路和本论文的研究工作 13
1.5.1 研究思路 13
1.5.2 研究工作 14
第二章 实验部分 15
2.1主要试剂和仪器 15
2.2 实验步骤及操作注意事项 16
2.3 溶剂蒸汽退火 18
2.4 膜厚影响 18
2.5 膜厚与形貌表征 18
2.6 溶胀剂影响 18
第三章 结果与讨论 20
3.1 溶剂对成膜及孔结构影响 20
3.2 退火试剂及退火时间对薄膜孔道结构的影响 20
3.2.1 退火试剂对于薄膜孔道结构的影响 20
3.2.2 退火时间对于薄膜孔道结构的影响 21
3.3 溶剂浓度对于薄膜孔道结构的影响 22
3.4 空气湿度对薄膜孔道的影响 24
第四章 总结与展望 26
4.1总结 26
4.2展望 26
参考文献 27
膜分离技术作为当今时代广泛应用于各个领域的技术,有着诸多的优势,例如高效,节能,环保等等。然而,目前市面上大量使用的商品膜在使用的过程中效果差强人意。传统的多孔膜由于孔径分布不够紧凑,孔径大而杂乱的原因,难以克服Trade Off 效应。均孔膜作为孔径均一,孔道结构高度一致,孔道垂直贯穿于整个分离层等等的特色,有效克服Trade Off 效应,渗透性和选择性大大提升。可以预见,在日后的膜分离技术中均孔膜扮演着举足轻重的角色。本实验制备均孔膜使用的是嵌段共聚物。由于嵌段共聚物在热力学上有不相容性。因此,在共价键的作用下,可以有效发生微相分离。而在特殊场的环境下,共聚物有可以进行自组装,形成有序规整的结构。通过选用选择性溶胀的方法,把分散相转化为孔道结构。
关键词:膜分离 均孔膜 嵌段共聚物 选择性溶胀 溶剂蒸汽退火ABSTRACT
Membrane separation technology, as a technology widely used in various fields in the modern era, has many advantages, such as high efficiency, energy saving, environmental protection, and so on. However, the commercial films that are widely used in the market are not satisfactory in the process of use. Traditional porous membranes are difficult to overcome the Trade Off effect due to the lack of compact pore size distribution and large and disordered pore sizes. Mean-membrane is characterized by uniform pore size, uniform height of pore structure, vertical penetration of pores throughout the separation layer, etc., which effectively overcomes the Trade Off effect, and greatly improves permeability and selectivity. It can be foreseen that the aperture membrane plays a pivotal role in the membrane separation technology in the future. In this experiment, homoblock membranes were prepared using block copolymers. Due to the thermodynamic incompatibility of the block copolymers. Therefore, under the action of covalent bonds, micro-phase separation can effectively occur. In a special field environment, the copolymers can self-assemble to form an orderly and regular structure. Through the selective swelling method, the dispersed phase is converted into a channel structure.
This paper focuses on the effects of annealing conditions (annealing times, annealing agents) on the morphology and structure of the cell during annealing. It was found that the pore structure obtained using tetrahydrofuran as a solvent was the best. In order to search for the best film morphology and pore structure, the effects of different solvents, annealing time, annealing reagents, and ambient humidity on the morphology of the final pore structure were also investigated. It is expected that by using solvent vapor annealing, a regular phase-separation structure can be finally obtained, and vertically penetrating holes can be formed.
KEYWORDS:Membrane Separation; Homoporous Membranes; Block Copolymers; Selective Swelling; Solvent Vapor Annealin
- 绪论
1.1 嵌段共聚物
- 嵌段共聚物的概念
嵌段共聚物是由两种或两种以上热力学不相容的聚合物链段通过共价键相连得到的一种聚合物[1]。分类方法大致有两种,第一种是依据共聚物中所包含的链段数目的不同。另一种是根据链段间连接的方式不同。在此不多赘述。而在决定共聚物合成的过程中,重均分子量与数均分子量,分子量分布 PDI 和体积分数 fx 都是极为重要的参数。在进行实验时,我们一般用一段亲水的聚合物和一段疏水的聚合物组成的共聚物进行研究。
- 嵌段共聚物的微相分离和自组装简述
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