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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2022-01-26 12:27:29  


摘 要





关键词:整流器 控制 PWM 功率 电压 电流

Research on three-phase Voltage Source PWM Rectifier based on Direct Power Control


Rectifier, that is, AC/DC converter, is a device that converts AC to DC, and it is one of the earliest and most widely used power electronic conversion devices. before the 1980s, rectifier devices usually adopted uncontrolled or semi-controlled structures. These two rectification methods have a common drawback -- easy to cause excessive harmonic pollution and excessive reactive power.

With the improvement of the national harmonic standard, the non-controlled and semi-controlled rectifier circuit has been unable to meet the requirements of the harmonic standard of the power electronics. At this time, in order to reduce the specific gravity of the harmonic and reactive power from the source, a clean and efficient rectifier system -- PWM rectifier comes into being. Until now, the application of the PWM rectifier in the industry and the life is very wide, and the appearance of the PWM rectifier not only realizes the high-efficiency transformation of the energy, but also realizes the green transformation of energy.

PWM rectifier is mainly divided into voltage and current source. At present, voltage source PWM rectifier is widely used. Due to the wide application of PWM rectifier, its topology and modulation technology are constantly being improved, its main circuit is mainly full-controlled devices, modulation technology is mostly soft-switching technology, and the main circuit is full-controlled devices, and the modulation technology is mostly soft-switching technology. Its topological structure also began to adopt multi-phase and multi-level topology.

In this paper, the voltage source PWM rectifier is classified. With the help of coordinate transformation theory, the mathematical models of PWM rectifier system in three coordinate systems are listed. In this paper, the control strategies of PWM rectifier are classified according to the orientation mode of voltage orientation and virtual flux orientation, as well as the control mode of direct power control and current control, and the advantages and disadvantages of various control strategies are simply compared. The working principle of each module in the voltage-oriented direct power control system is studied, and the parameters are selected according to the functions to be realized by the components in the system.

Key words: rectifier control PWM power voltage and current

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 VI

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2 PWM整流器的现状与发展 1

1.2.1 谐波与无功功率的产生与防治 2

1.2.2 PWM整流器出现的意义 4

1.3 PWM整流器简述 4

1.3.1 整流器的类别 4

1.3.2 PWM整流器的定义 5

1.4 本文主要研究内容 6

第二章 电压型PWM整流器原理及数学模型分析 7

2.1 电压型PWM整流器的类别 7

2.2 电压型PWM整流器的拓扑结构和工作原理 8

2.2.1 单相半桥VSR 8

2.2.2 单相全桥VSR 10

2.2.3 三相半桥VSR 11

2.2.4 三相全桥VSR 13

2.2.5 三电平VSR 14

2.2.6 基于软开关技术的VSR 15

2.3 坐标变换理论 16

2.3.1 Clarke变换 17

2.3.2 Park变换 19

2.3.3 abc坐标系与dq坐标系间的变换 20

2.4 三相PWM整流器的数学模型 21

2.4.1 abc坐标系下的数学模型 21

2.4.2 αβ坐标系下的数学模型 23

2.4.3 dq坐标系下的数学模型 25

第三章 电压型PWM整流器的控制策略分析 27

3.1 PWM整流器控制策略概述 27

3.2 瞬时功率理论 31

3.3 电压定向的直接功率控制(V-DPC) 33

3.3.1 V-DPC的原理 33

3.3.2 V-DPC的算法 34

第四章 电压定向直接功率控制系统仿真和分析 40

4.1 整流器的主电路参数设计 40

4.1.1 交流测滤波电感 40

4.1.2 直流侧电容 41

4.1.3 直流侧的直流电压 41

4.2 电压定向直接功率控制系统仿真 41

4.2.1 瞬时功率计算模块 42

4.2.2 扇区划分模块 44

4.2.3 滞环比较模块 45

4.2.4 PWM脉冲产生模块 45

4.3 仿真结果的分析 46

4.3.1 稳态交流测电压电流波形 46

4.3.2 稳态交流侧三相电流波形 46

4.3.3 稳态瞬时功率波形 47

4.3.4 稳态直流侧电压波形 48

第五章 总结与展望 49

5.1 全文总结 49

5.2 不足与展望 50

参考文献 51

致 谢 54

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景及意义




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