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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 建筑环境与能源应用工程 > 正文


 2022-01-26 12:06:48  


摘 要






关键词:谐波反映法 冷热源方案比较 冷水机组 燃气锅炉

Design of Hangzhou Garden Hotel (HVAC system)


This design object building is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is a comprehensive building integrating hotel, office and entertainment. The underground floor is ventilated and smoke-proof designed, and the six floors above the ground are air-conditioned.

Firstly, the hourly cooling load of the building from 8:00 to 21:00 is calculated by the harmonic reaction method. The time of the maximum cooling load and the change trend of the cooling load are determined, which provides a basis for the design and operation strategy of the air conditioning system.

The heating area index method is used to calculate the winter heat load of the air conditioning system.

Due to the different functions of each floor, it is not advisable to use a single air conditioning system. After comprehensive analysis, it is decided that one floor adopts a return air all air system, and the other layers adopt fan coil and independent fresh air system. Combined with the natural resources around the building, several cold and heat source schemes were initially selected and compared and analyzed.

It was finally determined that the water-cooled chiller plus gas boiler provided the cold and heat source for the air conditioning system.

The air conditioning water system uses a primary pump, the same program, two control, and a closed system. The cooling water system uses an open cooling tower and is installed on the roof of the building.

Through the hydraulic calculation of the wind system and the water system, the equipment of the model type is selected, so that the designed air conditioning system can save energy and operate safely. In addition, this design also has a certain discussion on pipeline anti-corrosion and heat preservation.

Keywords: harmonic reflection method;comparison of cold and heat source schemes;chiller;gas boiler


第一章 工程概况及原始资料 1

1.1工程概况 1

1.2原始资料 1

1.2.1围护结构参数 1

1.2.2气象参数 2

1.2.3空调区设计参数 3

1.2.4确定逐时冷负荷计算时间 3

第二章 地下室通风及防排烟设计 4

2.1综述 4

2.2风量计算及风口设置 4

2.3水力计算 6

2.3设备选型 7

第三章 空调区负荷计算 9

3.1夏季空调区负荷的构成和计算方法 9

3.2空调冷负荷详细计算过程: 9

3.2冬季空调区的负荷构成和计算方法 16

第四章 空调方案论证 18

4.1商业建筑空调特点 18

4.2空调方案比较确定 18

第五章 风量、冷量计算及设备选型 20

5.1空调房间最小新风量 20

5.2新风冷负荷的确定 20

5.3新风湿负荷确定 20

5.4全空气系统夏季处理过程 21

5.5风机盘管加独立新风系统夏季处理过程 22

5.6冬季处理过程 24

5.7AHU、新风机组、风机盘管选型 24

第六章 空调风系统水力计算 33

第七章 空调水系统形式及水力计算 38

7.1水系统形式的确定 38

7.2水系统管材及连接方式 38

7.3水系统水力计算步骤 38

7.4冷凝水管设计计算 39

7.5空调水系统水力计算 40

第八章 冷热源方案选择及设备选型 45

8.1各方案特点及优缺点比较 45

8.1.1热泵 45

8.1.2溴化锂吸收式冷水机组 锅炉/溴化锂直燃机组 46

8.1.3冰(水)蓄冷 锅炉 46

8.1.4冷水机组 锅炉 47

8.2冷热源方案可行性研究 47

8.3水冷式冷水机组 燃气常压热水锅炉 48

8.3.1冷水机组形式及台数选择 48

8.3.2冷水机组选型及参数 48

8.3.3冷水机组总装机容量要求校核 49

8.3.4燃气常压热水锅炉选型 49

8.4水系统其它设备选型 50

8.4.1冷冻水泵选型 50

8.4.2冷却水泵选型 51

8.4.3热水泵选型 51

8.4.4冷却水补水泵选型 52

8.4.5冷却塔选型 52

8.4.6膨胀水箱选型 52

第九章 管道防腐与保温 55

9.1管道与设备的保温 55

9.2管道与设备的防腐 55

9.3管道与设备的减振 56

9.4管道与设备的防噪 56

参考文献 57

第一章 工程概况及原始资料








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