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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与环境系统工程 > 正文


 2022-01-23 00:10:25  


摘 要

太阳能是一种清洁、高效的能源,其光热技术已被广泛应用于工业生产和日常生活等领域。低倍聚光式太阳能集热器,特别是复合抛物面聚光器(Compound Parabolic Concentrator, CPC),是太阳能中低温光热利用的关键部件,可将太阳辐射转化为高品位热能,已成为该领域重要的研究方向之一。

本文将CPC与菲涅尔透镜(Fresnel Lens, FL)两种聚光器集成,设计了一种新型的低聚光比集热器(聚光比为2.3)。基于TracePro(光线模拟软件)建立了FL-CPC集热器的光学模型,分别研究了固定、间歇以及连续跟踪条件下,不同菲涅尔透镜焦距对FL-CPC集热器光学效率的影响,并与平板盖板(Flat Plate, FP)的FP-CPC集热器的光学效率对比,表明连续跟踪模式下焦距为200mm的FL-CPC集热器的物理模型具有最佳的光学性能,其光学效率可达到74.6%,比FP-CPC高6%。另外,基于Fluent软件对FL-CPC进行传热特性仿真,分析了进口温度、质量流量和跟踪方式对其集热效率的影响,并进行了归一化处理分析。结果表明:该FL-CPC集热器集热效率与流体质量流量成正比,与进口温度成反比;连续跟踪式FL-CPC集热器全天高效集热时间为8h,其日平均集热效率约为74%,大幅高于固定式和间歇式。

关键词: 跟踪方式 CPC 菲涅尔透镜 集热性能 光学性能


Solar energy is a clean and efficient energy source, and its solar thermal technology has been widely used in industrial production and daily life. Solar collectors, especially the Compound Parabolic Concentrator (CPC), are key components in the utilization of low temperature light and heat in solar energy, which can convert solar radiation into high grade heat energy, and have become one of the important research directions in this field.

In this paper, CPC and Fresnel Lens (FL) concentrators were integrated to design a new low-concentrator-light ratio collector (concentrator-light ratio 2.3). Is set up based on TracePro (light simulation software) optical model of FL - CPC collector, respectively to study the fixed, intermittent and continuous tracking under the condition of different Fresnel lens focal length effect on FL - CPC collector optical efficiency, and with the Flat Plate of FP - CPC collector efficiency of optical contrast, suggests that the focal length is 200 mm continuous tracking mode of FL - physical model of the CPC collector will have the best optical performance, the optical efficiency can reach 74.6%, 6% higher than the FP - CPC. In addition, fl-cpc heat transfer characteristics were simulated based on Fluent software, and the influences of inlet temperature, mass flow rate and tracking mode on its heat collection efficiency were analyzed and normalized. The results show that the efficiency of fl-cpc collector is directly proportional to the mass flow rate and inversely proportional to the inlet temperature. The fl-cpc heat collector with continuous tracking has an efficient all-day heat collection time of 8h, and its daily average heat collection efficiency is about 74%, which is significantly higher than the fixed and intermittent type.

Key Words: tracking mode; CPC; fresnel lens; thermal performance; optical performance


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 低倍太阳能聚光器研究现状 1

1.2.1 菲涅尔透镜式聚光器 1

1.2.2 复合抛物面聚光器(CPC) 2

1.3 CPC集热器研究进展 3

1.4 本文的研究内容 5

第二章 FL-CPC太阳能集热器设计 6

2.1 CPC设计 6

2.2 两种CPC集热器结构设计 7

2.3 本章小结 8

第三章 CPC集热器光学性能的研究 9

3.1 物理模型 9

3.2 光源模型 10

3.2.1 入射角模型 10

3.2.2 太阳辐射模型 11

3.2.3 跟踪方式 12

3.2.4 不同工况下太阳位置及辐射强度 12

3.3 光学性能模拟 14

3.3.1 时间对光学效率的影响 14

3.3.2 焦距对光学效率的影响 17

3.4 两种CPC集热器对比 20

3.5 本章小结 20

第四章 FL-CPC集热器传热性能的研究 22

4.1 传热仿真模型 22

4.1.1 Fluent软件介绍 22

4.1.2 FL-CPC太阳能集热器传热过程分析 22

4.1.3 集热器的集热效率 23

4.2 求解方法 24

4.2.1 网格划分 24

4.2.2 边界条件及求解器设置 25

4.3 模拟结果 26

4.3.1 质量流量对集热效率的影响 27

4.3.2 进口温度对集热效率的影响 28

4.3.3 不同跟踪方式对集热效率的影响 30

4.4 本章小结 31

第五章 结论与展望 33

5.1 结论 33

5.2 展望 33

参考文献 36

致谢 39





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