2022-01-19 21:35:54
1. 1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容、要求、设计方案、规划等
方案拟定:方案合理,具合理性与可操作性。时间安排:2017.1.10-2017.3.15 阅读相关文献,撰写论文开题报告,制定研究方案;2017.3.16-2017.5.20 完成论文实验内容;2017.5.21-数据整理分析、撰写论文、准备答辩。
2. 参考文献(不低于12篇)
[1] fujisaki k, 1992. a male fitness advantage to wing reduction in the oriental chinch bug, cavelerius saccharivorus okajima (heteroptera: lygaeidae). researches on population ecology, 34:173-183.
[2] guerra pa, 2011. evaluation the life-history trade-off between dispersal capability and reproduction in wing dimorphic insects: a meta-analysis. biological reviews, 86: 813-835.
[3] tanaka s, 1999. resoure allocation, metabolic rate and hormonal control of the reproductive organs and flight muscle in male adults of a wing dimorphic cricket, modicogryllus confirmatus. entomological science, 2(3): 315-327.