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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程 > 正文


 2022-01-09 22:05:00  


摘 要




Design of Automatic Car Back and Forth


With the development of the world, science and technology are becoming more and more informative and intelligent. What followed was the rapid advancement of robotics. Many scientific research institutions have also developed industrial robots with different uses, and the hotspot of scientists' research is a crucial topic in industrial robots-intelligent cars. As we all know, smart cars can perform the corresponding tasks according to the procedures and steps that people have set, which can help people complete some tasks that humans cannot complete, such as underground surveys and Antarctic surveys. Among the currently known applications, smart cars are mainly used in technology, factory production, warehouse automation and other fields. Because they make humans more time-saving and labor-saving, they play a strong advantage in many fields.

The intelligent car can automatically drive along the designated route, and can realize automatic parking alarm when the car encounters obstacles during driving. The smart car uses Arduino as a controller, and the running track is composed of black guide wires stuck on the white track. The infrared sensor system on the front bottom of the car can accurately detect the black guide wires, thereby achieving more reliable track tracking. The ultrasonic sensor installed in the front of the vehicle detects the reflected signal in front of the vehicle, and stops and alarms when a given safety distance is reached to avoid obstacles. In industrial production, smart cars have been widely used due to their good transmission performance. It has greatly improved production efficiency, so it has also been used in warehousing industry and postal delivery. Research the development of smart cars at home and abroad, and try to reduce production costs. And the corresponding control software and programming.

Key words: Automatic shuttle car, tracking, obstacle avoidance


摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的和意义 1

1.2.1研究目的 1

1.2.2研究意义 2

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1国外研究现状 2

1.3.2国内研究现状 2

1.4论文的研究内容 3

第二章 硬件设计 6

2.1小车结构 6

2.2 Arduino开发板 7

2.3 小车电机驱动模块 7

2.4 小车舵机模块 8

2.5红外传感器 8

2.5.1 红外传感器的结构 8

2.5.2红外传感器反射原理 9

2.5.3红外传感器优劣势 11

2.6超声波测距模块 11

2.6.1超声波传感器的结构 11

2.6.2超声波模块测距原理 13

2.6.3超声波传感器优劣势 14

2.7 RGB LED 14

2.8 蜂鸣器 18

2.8.1 蜂鸣器发声原理 18

2.9 小车电源模块 20

2.10 本章小结 20

第三章 软件设计 23

3.1 系统的总体结构 23

3.2 Arduino图形化编程 23

3.3 系统硬件线路连接 24

3.4自动模式流程图 26

3.5 小车循迹流程图 27

3.6中断控制流程图 28

3.7本章小结 29

第四章 系统实现与测试 30

4.1 智能小车实物设计 30

4.2 系统测试 30

4.2.1 测试结果及性能分析 30

4.2.2 数据采集单元的测试 31

4.3测试过程及结果 35

4.4 本章小结 36

第五章 经济性分析 38

总结 38

参考文献 39

致谢 41


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