2022-01-09 20:31:23
摘 要
关键词:旋转起重机 反馈线性化 消摆控制
Research on Anti-Swing Control of Rotating Crane Based on Partial Feedback Linearization Control Theory
In the first chapter, the background and significance of the research on the anti-swing control of rotating crane are described, and the main research contents of this paper are summarized. With the increasing use of the rotary crane in various infrastructure projects, however, the problem is that once the rotary crane is disturbed by factors such as wind force, etc. The vibration process similar to the conical pendulum motion will bring hidden trouble to the operator in the production process, so the research on the anti-swing control of the rotating crane is of great significance.
In the second chapter, the important control theory of eliminating the pendulum of the rotating crane is described in detail — The control theory of feedback linearization. Through the systematic introduction of feedback linearization control theory, three important mathematical theories are introduced, and the standard form of feedback linearization control system is obtained, this provides an important theoretical basis for the anti-swing control of the rotating crane system, and also makes clear the concrete research direction of the anti-swing of the crane.
In the third chapter, the mathematical model of the actual rotating crane system is established through the Lagrange equation. In this paper, the kinetic energy and potential energy of each part of the rotating crane are calculated step by step from the energy point of view, and the motion equations of each system are obtained. Finally, the Matrix form is given for the controller design.
In chapter four, based on the decoupling of the rotating crane model established the third chapter, the driving system and the underactuated system are described by matrix equations, and the final control scheme is determined by partial feedback linearization method. In the system of rotating crane, the rotation angle and fluctuation angle of the rotating arm, as well as the in-plane and out-of-plane swing angles of the load are the key points of eliminating the swing, so the actuated state and underactuated state are introduced, and finally the feedback control is introduced, so that the anti-swing controller of the rotating crane can be successfully realized. At the same time, based on the controller designed in this chapter, the simulation of PD controller, which is most commonly used in practical production, is analyzed simply, and the simulation results obtained by the two control methods are compared, the effect of the designed partial feedback linearization controller on the swing elimination control of the rotating crane is analyzed, and the simple economy and environmental protection are analyzed.
The fifth chapter summarizes the research work of this project, analyzes the deficiencies in the research process, and looks forward to the future research contents of this project.
Key Words: Rotary Crane;Feedback Linearization;Anti-sway Control
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 旋转起重机消摆控制研究的背景和意义 1
1.2 起重机消摆技术的国内外现状 1
1.2.1 国内旋转起重机消摆研究现状 1
1.2.2 国外起重机防摆研究现状 2
1.3 本文研究内容简介 3
第二章 反馈线性化控制理论 4
2.1 反馈线性化控制理论概述 4
2.2 反馈线性化控制的基本数学理论 4
2.2.1 Lie导数与换位子 4
2.2.2 微分同胚 5
2.2.3 积分流形存在性定理 6
2.3 反馈线性化控制系统 7
2.3.1 反馈线性化的标准型 7
2.3.2 反馈线性化控制系统的总体结构 8
2.4 本章小结 9
第三章 旋转起重机模型建立 10
3.1 引言 10
3.2 理论与实际模型 10
3.2.1 拉格朗日方程 10
3.2.2 旋转起重机的实际模型与参数 10
3.3 旋转起重机的动能与势能 13
3.3.1 负载动能 13
3.3.2 悬臂和基座的动能 14
3.3.3 旋转起重机的势能 15
3.4 Lagrange运动方程 15
3.4.1 Lagrange算子 15
3.4.2 驱动系统的运动方程 15
3.4.3 欠驱动系统的运动方程 16
3.4.4 非线性运动方程的矩阵形式 17
3.5 本章小结 18
第四章 部分反馈线性化控制器设计与仿真分析 19
4.1 解耦 19
4.2 部分反馈线性化控制器设计 19
4.3 基于比例微分的控制器仿真 21
4.3.1 比例微分控制 21
4.3.2 仿真结果及分析 22
4.4 基于部分反馈线性化的控制器仿真 24
4.4.1 部分反馈线性化控制 24
4.4.2 仿真结果分析 26
4.5 两种控制方法效果比较 28
4.6 简单非技术性因素分析 30
4.6.1 简单经济性分析 30
4.6.2 简单环保性分析 31
4.7 本章小结 32
第五章 总结与展望 33
5.1 总结 33
5.2 展望 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 37
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