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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与环境系统工程 > 正文


 2022-01-09 19:14:50  


摘 要




Gas Distribution Optimization of Variable Cross-section Flue in SCR Denitration System


In recent years, people attach importance to environmental protection, and our country has more regulations on the emission standard of pollutants. SCR flue gas denitrification technology, as the main denitrification method, has a high denitrification efficiency. At the same time, its system operation is reliable, internal reaction will not produce by-products, and the system structure is simple. Therefore, SCR technology has received extensive attention and been developed vigorously. The appearance of computational fluid Dynamics (CFD) software plays an important role in the development of SCR technology. It can restore the real condition of SCR system and provide effective plans for its improvement scheme to perform simulation data for the SCR system.

In this paper, the reducing flue gas field connected between the coal economizer and SCR reactor of a 300MW unit denitrification system is taken as the research object. The research method of engineering fluid mechanics is adopted, and the FLUENT software is used to analyze and simulate the reducing flue gas field of SCR reactor. Main research content is as follows: based on the different expansion ways of reducing flue of a numerical simulation of the flow field analysis when reducing flue adopt different ways of expanding model of internal flow field uniformity, the results show that the variable section flue can make the flow field more uniform to some extent, but the variable section flue will make backflow and low speed zone, reducing the uniformity of the flow field. By analyzing the influence of the guide plate on the flow field of the reducing flue, the results show that the guide plate can greatly improve the backflow problem of the extended flue, reduce the low speed zone, and make the flow field more uniform. At the same time, the simulation analysis of the layout scheme of the guide plate is carried out, and the layout scheme of the guide plate is designed. Among them, the standard velocity deviation of single expansion flue is reduced to 6.02%, and the total pressure difference is 51.14Pa. The standard velocity deviation of the secondary expansion flue was reduced to 12.71% and the total pressure difference was 43.80Pa.

Key words: Flue gas denitration; SCR; Variable cross-section flue; Flow field; Numerical simulation

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 IV

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 SCR脱硝技术综述 2

1.2.2 数值模拟在SCR中的应用 2

1.3 主要研究内容 8

第二章 SCR反应器异径烟道流场的数值模拟方法 9

2.1 引言 9

2.2 流场的数值模拟方法 9

2.3 SCR系统异径烟道模型 11

2.4 CFD数值模拟的求解过程 12

2.5 本章小结 12

第三章 SCR脱硝反应器异径烟道流场分析 14

3.1 引言 14

3.2 变截面异径烟道的扩充方式对烟道流场的影响 14

3.2.1 无扩充异径烟道模型流场分析 15

3.2.2 原扩充烟道模型流场分析 16

3.2.3 单次扩充烟道模型流场分析 18

3.2.4 二次扩充烟道模型流场分析 19

3.3 最佳导流板布置方案 21

3.3.1单次扩充烟道的导流板布设 21

3.3.2二次扩充烟道的导流板布设 27

3.4 本章小结 35

第四章 总结与展望 37

4.1 总结 37

4.2 展望 37

致谢 38

参考文献 39

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义



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