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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 建筑电气与智能化 > 正文


 2022-01-09 18:14:38  


摘 要




关键词:智能化建筑 弱电设计 照明设计 综合布线 防雷接地 火灾自动报警

Reconstruction and Expansion Project of Wangzhuang Experimental Primary School in New District of Wuxi City——Electrical Design of Teaching Building


With the development of modern society and the reform of the education system, all sectors of society's investment in China's education is increasing year by year. The rise of the building intelligent industry has made the school's infrastructure construction adapt to the development and constantly change, thereby improving the school's management level and social status.

The content of this graduation design is the electrical design of the teaching building of the renovation and expansion project of Wangzhuang Experimental Primary School in Wuxi New District. The teaching building has 6 floors and the building height is 23.9 meters. The first to third floors are mainly ordinary classrooms and teachers 'offices. The fourth floor is mainly computer classrooms, language classrooms and teachers' offices. The fifth and sixth floors are mainly administrative offices, with a total construction area of 4355.5 square meters and a fire resistance rating of two. level.

The main design includes the lighting socket system, power distribution system, emergency lighting system, fire alarm system, lightning protection grounding system and integrated wiring system of this teaching building. It is necessary to draw a floor plan of each of these six systems and a system diagram of each system. This paper mainly expounds the design basis, design principles and design methods of the system design of the teaching building and the selection of equipment line types. According to the relevant national regulations and design standards, and according to the relevant materials of the heating and ventilation profession, water supply and drainage profession, this school building is designed for power distribution. Among them, the integrated wiring system specifically includes information point voice point arrangement, broadcasting system, monitoring system, and cable TV system. It is necessary to design and install data information points and telephone voice points according to the functional requirements of each classroom; cable TV system design is also designed to install cable TV sockets in the classroom according to the actual situation; in the design of CCTV systems, there are entrances and exits in each classroom, corridor Installation monitoring; Finally, the design of the automatic fire alarm system uses a centralized alarm system.

Keywords:Intelligent Building; Weak Electricity Design; Integrated Cable TV; Closed Circuit TV; Fire Auto-alarm


摘 要 I


第一章 导论 1

1.1本工程研究意义 1

1.2建筑电气设计现状 1

1.3建筑电气发展前景 1

1.4工程实况分析 2

1.4.1工程项目概况 2

1.4.2设计依据 2

1.4.3本项目具体设计内容 2

1.5文章布局 3

第二章 照明系统 4

2.1照明系统的重要性 4

2.2照明方式 4

2.3各房间的照明方案设计 4

2.3.1普通教室照明设计要求 4

2.3.2卫生间照明设计要求 5

2.3.3走廊、楼梯间照明设计要求 5

2.3.4 各房间灯具选型 5

2.4不同功能房间的照明计算 6

2.4.1平均照度标准 6

2.4.2照度计算——利用系数法、单位功率法 6

2.4.3计算实例一 7

2.4.3照度计算实例二 10

2.4.4其他房间的照度计算 12

第三章 插座系统 14

3.1教育建筑插座系统设计要求 14

3.2各房间插座回路设计思路 14

3.2.1普通教室插座回路 14

3.2.2教师办公室及行政用房插座回路设计 15

3.2.3卫生间插座设计 16

第四章 应急照明系统 17

4.1应急照明系统设计规范与要求 17

4.1.1应急照明的三种类型 17

4.1.2各类照明灯具要求 17

4.2本工程应急照明设计思路 17

4.2.1公共楼梯间应急照明设计 17

4.2.2走道应急照明设计 18

第五章 供配电系统 20

5.1工程内负荷分级 20

5.2本工程配电系统 20

5.2.1设计原则 20

5.2.2配电箱计算实例 20

第六章 防雷接地系统 24

6.1防雷系统设计 24

6.1.1防雷系统简介 24

6.1.2 教学楼防雷等级划分 24

6.1.3防雷具体施工措施 25

6.2接地系统设计 25

6.2.1接地系统简介 25

6.2.2本项目接地系统具体措施 26

第七章 火灾报警系统 27

7.1火灾探测报警系统概要 27

7.1.1 火灾探测报警系统定义 27

7.1.2火灾自动报警系统的优点 27

7.2本工程火灾报警系统设计 28

7.2.1系统种类选择 28

7.2.2火灾探测器的选型 28

7.2.3各房间内探测器数量的计算 29

7.2.4其他设备安装要求与设计思路 31

7.2.5火灾报警系统线路要求 31

第八章 建筑信息设施系统 32

8.1综合布线 32

8.1.1综合布线概念 32

8.1.2综合布线优点 32

8.1.3本工程综合布线系统设计思路 32

8.2视频安防监控系统 33

8.2.1视频安防监控系统定义 33

8.2.2视频安防监控系统优点 33

8.2.3监控系统构成与设备选型 33

8.3校园内广播系统 34

8.3.1校园广播系统的重要性 34

8.3.2校园广播系统的设计原则 34

8.3.3本项目广播系统设计思路 35

参考文献 36

致谢 38



近30年,中国的综合国力和科技水平有了质的飞跃,人们对于高品质美好的生活追求和对建筑设计的要求呈正比式的增加。建筑设计环节中,最重要的环节莫过于电气设计。建筑在电气工程设计上不合理将会造成设备等方面的运行问题, 导致建筑设计质量较差[1]









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