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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 建筑电气与智能化 > 正文


 2022-01-09 17:57:02  


摘 要



关键词: 教学楼设计 强电系统 弱电系统 防雷与接地

Electrical and intelligent design of liberal arts building in Kaifeng University


This project is the electrical and intelligent design of the liberal arts building of Kaifeng University, which is a civil education building. It is located in Beijiao Township, Longting District, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, with a building area of 4743 square meters, a building height of 20.4 meters and five floors above the ground. This design task has completed the design of strong and weak current system for two liberal arts buildings. The specific contents are as follows:

The plane design of lighting and socket is based on the standard to choose the right model and achieve the effect of high efficiency and energy saving. The emergency lighting system needs to arrange the position of each light source according to the latest specifications. The grounding mode of low-voltage distribution system shall be of type, and special surge protector shall be set inside the distribution box. In the lightning protection and grounding system, the lightning protection level of this building belongs to the third level.And the lightning protection and grounding are arranged in grid shape. The fire control facility of the automatic fire alarm system is set in the duty room. In particular, it is necessary to select and arrange some equipment according to water heating and other disciplines. After selecting the type of generic cabling system, it is necessary to select the number of intermediate equipment according to the number of information points used. The terminal facility of the video monitoring system shall be set in the key place according to the specification, and the cable shall be finally connected to the duty room.

Key words: teaching building;design strong current system;weak current system;lightning protection and grounding

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1项目概况 1

1.2设计内容 1

1.3工程设计的必要性 1

第二章 电气照明系统设计 2

2.1照明系统的概述 2

2.2照明设计方案 2

2.3照明系统的计算 3

2.4眩光值计算 5

2.5照度验算 6

2.6照明节能 7

2.7插座系统设计 9

2.7.1插座设计方案 9

2.7.2插座选型 9

2.7.3布置 10

第三章 应急照明系统设计 11

3.1系统概述 11

3.2应急照明的设计方案 11

3.3设备选择及布置 11

第四章 低压配电系统设计 13

4.1系统概述 13

4.2设计方案 13

4.3配电箱选型 13

4.3.1负荷计算 13

4.3.2对于配电箱箱内的选型 14

4.3.3浪涌保护器的选择 21

第五章 防雷接地设计 22

5.1防雷系统概述 22

5.2防雷等级与防雷设计 22

5.3接地系统 23

第六章 火灾自动报警系统设计 24

6.1系统概述 24

6.2建筑类别 24

6.3跨专业联动 24

6.4设计方案 25

6.4.1火灾报警探测区域 25

6.4.2火灾探测器的数量计算以及布置 25

6.4.3手动火灾报警按钮的设置 27

6.4.4消火栓系统的联动设计 27

6.4.5区域显示器的设置 28

6.4.6火灾报警器的设置 28

6.4.7消防应急广播的设置 28

6.4.8消防应急电话的设置 28

6.5导线选择及敷设 28

6.6产品选型 28

6.7值班室的布置 29

第七章 综合布线系统设计 30

7.1系统概述 30

7.2系统需求 30

7.3设计方案 30

7.3.1线缆选型及信息点的安装 30

7.3.2工作区子系统设计 30

7.3.3配线子系统 32

7.3.4垂直干线子系统 34

7.3.5设备间子系统 34

第八章 视频监控系统设计 35

8.1系统概述 35

8.2设计方案 35

8.2.1系统的组成 35

8.2.2前端设备的布置 35

8.2.3视频阵切换/控制模块选择 35

8.2.4设备供电及线路敷设 35

结语 36

参考文献 37

致谢 38

第一章 绪论





  1. 照明插座系统;
  2. 应急照明系统;
  3. 低压配电系统;
  4. 防雷接地系统;
  5. 火灾自动报警系统;
  6. 综合布线系统;
  7. 视频监控系统。




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