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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 安全工程 > 正文


 2022-01-08 20:29:40  


摘 要


关键词:内浮顶储罐 泡沫灭火 消防冷却 安全分析

Fire Safety Design of 6×1000m3 Toluene Storage Tank Farm


In recent years, the chemical industry in China has been developing continuously. Toluene, as a chemical raw material, has been widely used in various fields. Toluene, like most organic liquids, is volatile, diffusible, inflammable and explosive. If there is a fire and explosion accident in toluene storage tank area, it will cause a very serious impact. Based on the analysis of physical and chemical properties of p-toluene, this design completed the selection and size design of storage tank (including accessories). According to the relevant specifications, the geographical location of the tank farm and the safety distance of the surrounding facilities are determined, and the plane design, fire dike and fire lane design are carried out for the tank farm. The general layout of toluene storage tank area is divided into different areas, and the fire separation distance between the areas is determined. According to the regulations, the tank fire protection system and foam extinguishing system are designed according to the characteristics of the tank, and the fire water consumption is calculated, and hydrant and fire pool are designed. According to the specification, the explosion hazardous area of the tank farm is divided. The hazardous factors of major hazard sources in the tank farm are identified, and the danger of the tank farm is analyzed by using the safety checklist method and fault tree. Finally, the relevant safety measures and safety management system are proposed.

Key Words: Inner floating; roof tank; Foam fire; Fire cooling; Safety analysis


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 I

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

第二章 储罐设计 5

2.1 储罐设计参数确定 5

2.2 储罐结构型式选择 5

2.3 储罐总体尺寸的确定 5

2.3.1 储罐参数确定 5

2.4 材料选择 6

2.5 罐底设计 6

2.5.1 罐底结构 6

2.5.2 罐底板厚度 6

2.6 罐壁设计 6

2.6.1 罐壁设计厚度 7

2.6.2 罐壁的名义厚度 7

2.7 罐顶设计 8

2.7.1 固定顶设计 8

2.7.2 内浮顶设计 9

2.8 附件设计 10

第三章 储罐区设计 12

3.1 储罐的防火间距 12

3.2 防火堤设计 12

3.2.1 防火堤设计原则 12

3.2.2 防火堤平面布置 13

3.3 消防车道设计 14

第四章 总平面布局设计 15

4.1 厂区地理位置 15

4.1 分区设置 15

4.2 建筑物防火间距 15

第五章 罐区消防设计 17

5.1 消防冷却系统设计 17

5.1.1 消防冷却系统选择 17

5.1.2 冷却水流量的确定 17

5.1.3 消防水枪 18

5.2 泡沫灭火系统设计 19

5.2.1 灭火系统的确定 19

5.2.2 泡沫液的选择 19

5.2.3 泡沫枪数量确定 19

5.2.4 泡沫管道 19

5.2.5 泡沫液设计用量 20

5.2.6 泡沫产生器确定 21

5.2.7 泡沫混合液用量修正 22

5.2.8 泡沫消防用水量确定 22

5.2.9 泡沫消防泵站设计 22

5.3 消防用水量 24

5.4 消火栓设计 24

5.5 消防水池 25

第六章 爆炸危险区域划分 26

第七章 储罐区重大危险源辨识 27

第八章 罐区危险性分析 28

8.1 有害因素分析 28

8.1.1 火灾爆炸 28

8.1.2 中毒 28

8.1.3 其他有害因素 29

8.2 安全检查表 29

8.3 事故树分析 30

第九章 储罐区安全管理 32

9.1 健全规章制度 32

9.2 加强安全管理 32

9.3 完善防火防爆等措施 32

9.4 完善电气安全对策 32

第十章 结论 33

参考文献 34

附录 36


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