2022-01-05 21:33:21
摘 要
针对这两大问题,本次实验在聚酰亚胺为基膜,均苯三甲酰氯(TMC)和哌嗪(PIP)作为单体的基础上,在水相加入了一种不对称有机磷酸改性剂唑来膦酸(zoledronic acid,ZA)对膜进行改性,研究了ZA的添加对传统纳滤膜性能和结构的影响。结果表明,ZA上的亲水基团使膜的亲水性提高,ZA上容易电离的磷酸基团使膜表面的负电性增强,ZA上不参加反应的咪唑基团使选择层的结构更疏松。因此,PIP和ZA反应生产的PIP-ZA的结构产生更大的分子传输孔道,能有效增大通量到传统纳滤膜的5倍多,并且在孔径筛分和道南效应的协同作用下,对SO42-和Cl-的混盐表现出出色的离子选择性。牛血清蛋白(BSA)抗污染实验的结果表明ZA改性膜有着很强的抗污染性能,不仅能在无机环境下进行分离操作,在有机污染物的体系中也有广阔的应用前景。
关键词:纳滤膜 界面聚合 唑来膦酸 抗污染
Structure design and performance optimization of nanofiltration membrane based on asymmetric organic phosphoric acid modifier
Nanofiltration membrane is a kind of new separation membrane with pore size between ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membrane, which is developing rapidly. It has great application value in the separation of low molecular weight substances, so it is more and more used in various separation, concentration and other industrial processes.
Although the theory and the industrialization of nanofiltration membrane technology is developing rapidly, but still many technical problems to be solved, such as "trade-off" effect between the permeability and selectivity, makes its flux and intercept rate often cannot grow at the same time, the membrane fouling is the another big bottleneck of the development of nanofiltration membrane, If the anti-pollution performance of the membrane is not good, membrane requires regular cleaning, replacement, which makes the membrane lost its economic advantage.
In order to solve these two problems, an asymmetric organic phosphoric acid modifier (zoledronic acid, ZA) was added to the aqueous phase to modify the membrane on the basis of polyimide as the supporting substrate, trimesoyl chloride(TMC) and piperazine(PIP) as monomers, and the influence of ZA on the membrane properties and structure was studied. Because the hydrophilic group on ZA makes the hydrophilicity of the membrane improved, and the easily ionized phosphate group on ZA makes the negative electricity of the membrane surface enhanced, the imidazolyl group on ZA uninvolved in cross-linking constructed the defect-type solvent tunnels. PIP-ZA has a larger pore structure, which can increase the flux, more than 5 times of the traditional nanofiltration membrane. Because of the synergistic effect of particle size screening and surface charge, ZA modified membrane showed excellent selectivity in the mixed salt separation experiment of SO42- and Cl-, and the results of anti pollution experiment of bovine serum albumin (BSA) showed that ZA modified membrane had strong anti pollution performance, which could not only separate in inorganic environment, but also have wide application in the organic pollutant system.
Key words: Nanofiltration Membrane; Interfacial Polymerization; Zoledronic Acid; Anti-foiling
目 录
摘要 I
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1膜分离技术概述 1
1.2纳滤膜介绍 2
1.2.1纳滤膜特点 2
1.2.2纳滤膜传质机理 3
1.2.3纳滤膜材料 4
1.2.4纳滤膜超薄皮层的制备方法 5
1.2.5纳滤膜的应用 6
1.3纳滤膜的特性对其性能的影响 7
1.3.1表面粗糙度 7
1.3.2膜孔径 8
1.3.3表面电荷 8
1.3.4膜表面亲疏水性 8
1.4膜污染与“trade-off”效应 9
1.5有机膦酸 9
1.6课题的意义及研究内容 10
1.6.1本课题的意义 10
1.6.2本课题的研究内容 11
第二章 实验内容 12
2.1实验药品及仪器 12
2.1.1实验药品 12
2.1.2实验仪器 13
2.2实验部分 13
2.2.1聚酰亚胺膜的制备 13
2.2.2 ZA改性纳滤膜的制备 14
2.3 ZA改性纳滤膜的表征 14
2.3.1膜表面形貌分析 14
2.3.2表面Zeta电位分析 14
2.3.3 亲水性能测试 15
2.4 ZA改性纳滤膜的性能测试 15
2.4.1 ZA改性纳滤膜渗透性测试 15
2.4.2 ZA改性纳滤膜截留率测试 15
2.4.3未改性和ZA改性纳滤膜的抗污染实验 16
第三章 结果与讨论 17
3.1 ZA的引入对基膜表面的影响 17
3.1.1 未改性膜和ZA改性纳滤膜的形貌 17
3.1.2 未改性膜和ZA改性纳滤膜的水接触角 18
3.2 未改性膜和ZA改性纳滤膜表面的电性变化 19
3.3 ZA浓度对改性纳滤膜性能的影响 20
3.4 一步界面聚合法和表面接枝法对膜的性能影响 21
3.5 0.6wt%PIP/1.4wt%ZA改性纳滤膜的盐分离性能 22
3.6 0.6wt%PIP/1.4wt%ZA改性纳滤膜的BSA抗污染测验 24
第四章 结论与展望 26
4.1结论 26
4.2展望 26
参考文献 27
科研成果 30
致谢 31
第一章 文献综述
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