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毕业论文网 > 外文翻译 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文


 2021-12-21 22:36:17  


















介绍了A.C8051单片机,为便于系统扩展,并与其它兼容和单片机系统兼容,采用C8051F060,C8051F060为全集成混合信号芯片系统类型,具有59个单片机数字VO引脚,片内集成两个16位ADC,64kb 1MSP系统编程闪存,4352字节片(RAM,AD外部数据存储接口可寻址64kb地址空间,SPI、SM总线/12C和两个UART串行接口的硬件实现,控制器局域网控制器,5个通用16定时器,可编程计数器阵列,VDD监视器和温度传感器,2个12 DAC,具有可编程数据更新方式。


本文采用瑞士盛世瑞恩传感器公司(Debid sensirion)的成型与湿度传感器设计SHT75为核心传感单元,在系统中根据任务需要使用具有高精度的数字温湿度传感器SHT75,提供全数字输出的校准。SHT75采用高集成度湿度传感器芯片开发的CMOS BE专利技术,确保产品具有高可靠性和优异的长期稳定性。传感器包括容性聚合物湿敏元件和带有温敏元件的间隙材料、两个敏感元件和一个14 A/D转换器以及上述同一芯片中的串行接口电路设计。传感器质量卓越,响应速度快(4秒),抗干扰能力强,测量精度高(温度测量精度CNC 0.3“C,湿度测量精度CNC 1.8%RH),体积小,功耗低等,每个传感器芯片都非常精确。镜面冷凝仪作为参考。通过校准系数来编程,沉积在芯片本身的OTP存储器中。通过两线制串行接口和内部电压调节,使外围系统集成快捷简单[31.




本文采用瑞士盛世瑞恩传感器公司(Debid sensirion)的成型与湿度传感器设计SHT75为核心传感单元,在系统中根据任务需要使用具有高精度的数字温湿度传感器SHT75,提供全数字输出的校准。SHT75采用高集成度湿度传感器芯片开发的CMOS BE专利技术,确保产品具有高可靠性和优异的长期稳定性。传感器包括容性聚合物湿敏元件和带有温敏元件的间隙材料、两个敏感元件和一个14 A/D转换器以及上述同一芯片中的串行接口电路设计。传感器质量卓越,响应速度快(4秒),抗干扰能力强,测量精度高(温度测量精度CNC 0.3“C,湿度测量精度CNC 1.8%RH),体积小,功耗低等,每个传感器芯片都非常精确。

通过外部电源,MAX165将转换为5V3.3V,用于CS051F060单片机和SHT75数字温湿度传感器电源。5伏电源隔离模块通过将5伏电源隔离成两部分,分别为装置两端的每盏灯。电源隔离芯片B0505S具有恒压输入、单输出电压隔离效率高的电源模块(SO%)、体积小、价格低、可靠性高、冲击大、隔离特性好、温度范围宽(40°C S5°C)等特点,以保证模块的高效可靠运行。额定负荷与50%负荷之间,应避免长期空载工作。



采用CS051F060单片机P2.6口对虚拟数据,采用OATA P2.0口对虚拟时钟线,从而直接与SHT75数字温湿度传感器相连进行控制,通电后SHT75经过10毫秒时间进入休眠模式,在此之前不应发送任何指令。当使OATA线路处于高电平时,触发9次以上的SCK(包含9次),然后发送“传输启动”命令激活SHT75,芯片启动。然后,测量命令(测量温度命令00000011,测量相对湿度命令000001011),I1C将启动SCK直到完成测量。然后将进入一个低电平,i1c再次重启sci(,然后发送两个测量数据字节。I1C数据必须被绘制成一个低水平,每个字节的能力产生响应信号[41]。从最高位(MSB)到字节对齐(LSB)的传输顺序。



rh1=c1 c2*sorh c3s0rh2(1)



rhtrue=(t-25)(tl t2*sorh) rh1(2)

其中:对于湿度值后的rhtrue rh1补偿温度影响,如图2所示的tl和t2值,以及输出湿度数据位。


温度=dl d2*sot

其中:SHT75 SOT输出12或14个温度测量值。d1和sht75的工作电压相关,d2和输出的温度数据数字关于该表3显示:

本文介绍了用于硅实验室集成开发的软件。程序主要是对传感器的运行、温湿度数据的采集处理和通信。而湿度传感器接收PC机发送的数据传输命令,开始提取采集到的温湿度,存储在C8051F060 RAM中的温湿度数据,然后开始扫描传输,向上放置机器发送数据[61]。

硅实验室的工作比特率可以达到1-m比特/秒,实际比特率可能受到所选数据传输物理限制上的CAN总线的影响。可以配置为发送或接收数据的can processor 32 news对象。输入数据、消息对象及其标识屏蔽存储在RAM CAN消息中。所有的发送和接收数据过滤协议都可以处理完,不需要CIP控制器-51的干预,这将使CPU的CAN通信带宽最小。CIP-51通过特殊功能寄存器配置CAN控制器,读取接收到的数据并写入准备发送的数据。CAN控制器时钟等于CIP-51单片机时钟(SYSCLK)。










[3]瑞士盛世瑞安数字温湿度传感器公司。SHTI-SHT7X数据手册[EB/OL],[2008 20081204




基于AT89C51 的简易智能化加湿器设计

◎刘丰年 (三门峡职业技术学院 教务处,河南 三门峡 472000)

技术与应用 / 技术与应用 / 139

1. 系统总体方案设计


①温湿度报警值可以手动 设置;



④由 5V 稳压 电源进行供电,提供系统需要的温湿度调节控制信号,实现自动控制。 按照系统设计要求, 绘制了系统总体结构框图, 如图 1 所示。

该系统主要包括四个模块:以 AT89C51 单片机为核心的控制模块,两个 DS18B20 温度传感器、一个水位传感器为核心组成的加湿模 块,以声光报警器为核心的报警模块,以 1602LCD 液晶屏为核心的显示模块。 该系统利用 AT89C51 单片机进行控制,通过对两个温度传感器采集到的干湿球温度进行计算,得 到室内空气的相对湿度,若空气湿度小于40%时,则控制加湿器开始工作,直到室内空气湿度达到预 设值时,系统报警并自动关闭。 加湿器工作时,将实时准确地显示室内空气的温湿度值,水位传感器将 实时监测加湿器内的水位,当水位低于预设值时,系统将断开控制输出电路的供电,并启动蜂鸣器电路 进行报警,来保证安全。

2 系统硬件设计

在硬件电路设计中,采用的是模块化的电路,即每一个电路都可以独立的工作,实现相应的功能, 当需要同时工作的环境下能够更快更好的完成系统硬件的要求。 主要有数据的采集电路、输出的控制 电路、液晶的显示电路、报警电路、最小系统。

2.1 信号分析

在硬件电路中主要有输入信号采集电路与执行相 应输出的控制电路组成。 DS18B20 得到单片机控制器 AT89C51 发出的信号时,DS18B20 执行相应的内部指 令完成对温度的采集、转换、存取、并发送出数据给控制 器 AT89C51, 当 AT89C51 接收到 DS18B20 的信号时, 对数据进行处理并发送给显示电路。为了电路能够更好 的运行,加入了光电耦合电路和报警电路,来增加系统 的稳定性。

2.2 核心部件选取

控制器: 通过对 FPGA、 模拟运算放大器组成PID 控制系统及 AT89C51 单片机进行比较发现, 单片机具 有体积小、功耗低、价格低、稳定可靠,算术运算能力强, 易于编程,控制能力强,性价比高等优点。 因此,本系统 采用了 AT89C51 单片机作为核心控制芯片, 对温度采 集和实时显示以及加湿装置进行控制。 A

Absrtact: In order to solve the shortcomings of the existing air humidifier in intelligence, safety and comfort, the author designed a simple and intelligent air humidifier system based on AT89C51 single chip computer and DS18B20 temperature sensor. The system uses AT89C51 single chip computer to process the indoor air dry and wet temperature information and water level information collected by temperature sensor and water level sensor, so as to realize the humidifier temperature and humidity display, intelligent switch, air humidification, anti-dry burning, sound and light alarm control functions. The system can timely and accurately measure the environmental temperature and humidity data, and control the intelligent work of humidifier according to the preset value of the system. It has high performance-price ratio and high practical application value.

Key words: intelligent humidifier; AT89C51 single chip computer; DS18B20 temperature sensor

Chinese Library Classification Number: TM925 Document Identification Code: B Article Number: 1671-9123 (2016) 04-0139-04

Date of submission: 2016-10-26

Author#39;s brief introduction: Liu Fengnian (1982-), male, born in Sanmenxia, Henan Province, works in the Academic Affairs Department of Sanmenxia Vocational and Technical College.

With the continuous improvement of people#39;s living standards, people#39;s requirements for the family air environment are getting higher and higher, and air humidifier has become a daily household necessities. Common humidifiers are mainly fan humidifier and heat humidifier, which mainly relieve the dryness of air by forced circulation of air to take away moisture or evaporate moisture. However, such humidifiers are too much manual operation, lack of intelligence, safety and comfort. In the use process, there are often problems of excessive humidification and dry burning. Not only the humidification effect is not good, but also there are serious security risks. Therefore, a simple and intelligent air humidifier is urgently needed to control air humidity intelligently and humanely. At present, intelligence, safety and comfort have become the core issues of humidifier, and have attracted much attention. A simple and intelligent air humidifier system based on AT89C51 and DS18B20 temperature sensor is designed.

Unification. The system mainly uses AT89C51 single-chip computer to process the indoor air humidity and dry humidity information collected by temperature sensor and water level sensor and the water level information in humidifier, so as to realize the control functions of humidifier such as temperature and humidity display, intelligent switch, air humidification, anti-dry burning, acoustooptic alarm and so on. The experimental results show that the system can timely and accurately measure the environmental temperature, humidity and water level data, and control the intelligent work of humidifier according to the preset value of the system. The system has a high cost performance ratio, and has high practical application value and popularization value.

1 System Overall Scheme Design

According to the user#39;s demand analysis, the design of the intelligent air humidifier should meet the following requirements: 1) the temperature and humidity alarm value can be set manually; 2) the detected temperature and humidity value can be displayed accurately in real time; 3) when the air humidity is less than 40%, the system humidifies itself; 4) power supply by 5V voltage regulator power supply to provide the temperature and humidity control signal needed by the system to realize automatic control. 。 According to the system design requirements, the overall structure of the system is drawn, as shown in Figure 1. The system mainly includes four modules: control module with AT89C51 as the core, humidification module with two DS18B20 temperature sensors and one water level sensor as the core, alarm module with acoustooptic alarm as the core, and display module with 1602 LCD as the core.

The system is controlled by AT89C51 single chip computer. The relative humidity of indoor air is obtained by calculating the temperature of dry and wet bulbs collected by two temperature sensors. If the humidity of indoor air is less than 40%, the humidifier is controlled to start working. When the humidity of indoor air reaches the preset value, the system alarms and shuts down automatically. When the humidifier works, the temperature and humidity of indoor air will be displayed accurately in real time. The water level sensor will monitor the water level in the humidifier in real time. When the water level is lower than the preset value, the system will disconnect the power supply of the control output circuit and start the buzzer circuit to alarm to ensure safety. 2. In the design of hardware circuit, modular circuit is adopted, that is to say, each circuit can work independently and realize corresponding functions.

When the need for simultaneous work environment can be faster and better to complete the system hardware requirements. There are data acquisition circuit, output control circuit, LCD display circuit, alarm circuit, minimum system.

2.1 Signal Analysis

In the hardware circuit, the main components are the input signal acquisition circuit and the corresponding output control circuit. When DS18B20 receives the signal from the MCU controller AT89C51, DS18B20 executes the corresponding internal instructions to complete the temperature acquisition, conversion, access, and send data to the controller AT89C51. When AT89C51 receives the signal from DS18B20, the data is processed and sent to the display circuit. In order to make the circuit run better, photoelectric coupling circuit and alarm circuit are added to increase the stability of the system.

2.2 Selection of Core Components

Controller: By comparing the PID control system composed of FPGA, analog operational amplif


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