2021-11-22 21:52:39
摘 要
(1)通过水热法成功合成NiFe-LDH材料,原始NiFe-LDH的Tafel斜率是66.25 mV/dec,经过OER反应后的NiFe-LDH的Tafel斜率是59.84 mV/dec。NiFe-LDH催化性能提高是因为Ni2 经过在OER中长时间催化而被氧化价态上升为Ni4 ,活性位点Ni4 比Ni2 与OH-、O*、HOO*结合更快。经过在OER中长时间催化,NiFe-LDH的层间离子CO32-增多,这也是其催化性能增高的原因。
Electrolyzed water is a very promising method for preparing hydrogen energy, but the excessively high electrolyzer voltage makes the method of electrolyzed water consume too much energy. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find electrocatalytic materials with excellent performance to reduce the actual potential required for electrolyzed water. Electrolyzed water is a very promising method for preparing hydrogen energy, but the excessively high electrolyzer voltage makes the method of electrolyzed water consume too much energy. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find electrocatalytic materials with excellent performance to reduce the actual potential required for electrolyzed water. The cathode and anode of electrolyzed water respectively undergo hydrogen evolution and oxygen evolution reactions. The oxygen evolution reaction process is somewhat complicated and requires the transfer of four electrons to produce an oxygen molecule. Therefore, it usually has slow dynamics and a high energy barrier. Noble metal oxides such as RuO2 as an oxygen evolution catalyst in electrolyzed water can greatly reduce the actual voltage of electrolyzed water to improve energy conversion efficiency, but the expensive price will greatly increase the cost of electrolyzed water, and the reserves of these elements in the crust are very small. NiFe-LDH materials have attracted wide attention in the field of hydrogen production from electrolyzed water due to their dual-function catalytic activity and the abundant reserves of Ni and Fe in the earth. In addition to inorganic compound catalysts, the NiFe organometallic framework (NiFe-MOF) has also received attention because of its good OER catalytic activity. Therefore, in this thesis, hydrothermal method is used to prepare NiFe-LDH and NiFe-MOF based on nickel foam to study the structural valence change of these two materials during OER reaction. And this thesis expiored the effect of the change of interlayer ions before and after OER on its catalytic activity . The main results are as follows:
(1)The NiFe-LDH material was successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method. The Tafel slope of the original NiFe-LDH is 66.25 mV/dec, and the Tafel slope of NiFe-LDH after OER reaction is 59.84 mV/dec. The improvement of NiFe-LDH catalytic performance is due to the fact that Ni2 is oxidized to Ni4 after being catalyzed in OER for a long time, and the active site Ni4 combines faster with OH-, O* and HOO* than Ni2 . After prolonged catalysis in OER, the interlayer ions CO32- of NiFe-LDH increased, which is also the reason for its increased catalytic performance.
(2)NiFe-MOF material was successfully synthesized through hydrothermal method, and the catalytic performance of NiFe-MOF material after OER reaction is also improved. NiFe-MOF will undergo structural evolution during the OER process, and organic ligands will gradually disappear and become NiFe oxides or hydroxides. This structural change shows that the compound composed of organic ligands is difficult to stably exist in a strong alkaline environment, but tends to react with the electrolyte to produce a more stable oxide or hydroxide.
Key Words:NiFe-LDH; NiFe-MOF; electrolyzed water; Oxygen evolution reaction;Electrocatalyst
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 电解水制氢简介 1
1.2.1析氢反应 2
1.2.2析氧反应 2
1.2.3电解池结构和工作原理 3
1.3电解水的催化剂材料 4
1.3.1 常用催化剂材料概述 4
1.3.2 NiFe-LDH 5
1.3.3 评价催化剂的催化性能 7
1.4研究目的意义及内容 7
第2章 实验材料的制备与表征 9
2.1实验药品和仪器 9
2.1.1实验药品 9
2.1.2 实验仪器 9
2.2材料的表征方法 10
2.3 NiFe双金属化合物的制备 10
2.3.1 NiFe-LDH的制备 10
2.3.2 NiFe-MOF的制备 11
2.4NiFe双金属化合物的表征 12
2.4.1 形貌表征 12
2.4.2 组成元素和分布表征 13
2.4.3 拉曼分析 14
第3章NiFe双金属化合物的电催化性能 15
3.1三电极 15
3.2循环伏安法测试曲线 17
3.3 12h OER反应前后对比 18
3.4原位拉曼测试 19
第4章 结论 23
参考文献 24
致 谢 26
第1章 绪论
1.1 引言
随着社会人口的增加、科技的进步和经济的发展,人们对于能源的需求呈现爆炸式增长。目前,超过85%的能源来源于化石燃料,但化石燃料是不可再生的有限资源。日益增高的对能源的需求和日益短缺的化石燃料,以及使用化石燃料产生大量NO、SOx、CO2等气体造成环境问题(酸雨、全球气候变暖等),这使得开发清洁可再生的能源成为近些年的热门研究课题。太阳能、水力能、风能、核能、潮汐能等清洁能源成为研究替代化石燃料的方向。其中氢气作为未来绿色清洁能源的载体以及具有极高的能量密度(143 MJ kg)[1],是未来能源中重要的一部分。当前工业制氢是使用天然气、水、煤以及石油来制备氢气,即工业制氢三途径:蒸汽甲烷转化、碳还原法、电解水。但通过电解水得到的氢气量仅占世界总用氢量的约4%[2-4]。现今研究的可持续能源制氢技术有太阳能光解水、热能裂解水、生物质转化等,但其直接转化效率太低。但电解水作为一种间接利用可持续能源的制氢方法因其无副产物、高能量转化效率以及生成纯度很高的氢气成为热门研究方向。为了加快分解水的缓慢动力学和提高电解水的能量转化效率,催化剂作为降低过电势提高能量转化效率是必不可少的。贵金属基催化剂,例如Pt基材料(用于HER)和Ru/Ir基材料(用于OER)[5, 6],由于它们在提高反应速率和降低过电势方面的高电催化性能而备受关注。然而,高昂的价格和稀缺的储备限制了它们在实践中的进一步应用。因此寻找高催化性能并且地表含量丰富的元素化合物作为催化剂已成为科学家重点研究课题。