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 2021-11-11 20:32:15  


摘 要






With the acceleration of China's modernization, the state of China's "high-risk society" has also come quietly. Enterprises now have to encounter far more operational risks than at any time, the ability of organization and management to deal with the crisis, especially the ability of public relations, need to be more active to get in touch with consumers, form a good sense of identity, so that enterprises can have stronger organizational resilience in the face of crisis, at the same time, the rise and iteration of new media. Also let the information dissemination after the outbreak of the crisis show a completely different state, the public began to dominate the media discourse.

In terms of content, this paper expounds the relevant theories of crisis public relations and new media, analyzes the typical domestic emerging media platforms, and summarizes the path of new media public relations in enterprise crisis public relations under the new environment. at the same time, it also mentions some problems that should be paid attention to in practice. By explaining the relevant characteristics and functions of new media communication in crisis public relations, and selecting typical crisis public relations cases, this paper studies media public relations under crisis public relations, and understands the role of new media in crisis public relations. Provide practical suggestions for enterprises in the new reform of media public relations.

After research and analysis, this paper concludes that in the crisis public relations in the new media era, enterprises must face the public directly, maintain a benign communication interaction with the public through the new media, and use technical tools to achieve accurate public relations. It is a necessary condition to reduce the loss caused by crisis communication through public relations under the new reform of the media.

Keywords: Crisis public relations;New media;Media communication,;Enterprise management

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2 研究现状 2

1.3 研究思路 3

1.4 研究方法 3

1.4.1文献梳理法 3

1.4.2归纳分析法 3

1.4.3案例分析法 4

1.5 研究内容 4

1.6研究创新点 4

第2章 危机公关的理论概述 6

2.1风险社会的来临 6

2.2危机公关的核心内容 7

2.2.1危机公关概念梳理 7

2.2.2危机公关产生的原因 7

2.2.3危机公关涉及的阶段和处理模式 8

2.2.4危机公关对于企业的意义 9

2.3危机公关的基本理论原则 9

第3章 新媒体概述 11

3.1 1媒体的含义与类型 11

3.1.1媒体的含义 11

3.2 媒体的分类 11

3.2.1传统媒体 11

3.2.2新媒体 12

3.3 新媒体的崛起与发展现状 12

3.3.1新媒体的崛起 12

3.3.2新媒体的发展现状 13

第4章 危机事件中媒体公关的新变革 17

4.1 传统媒体与新媒体的对比 17

4.1.1 传统媒体和新媒体传播模式的差异 17

4.1.2在媒体公关中扮演的角色不同 18

4.2 新媒体对危机事件中相对传统媒体公关的新作用 19

4.2.1 直面公众 19

4.2.2 精准传播 19

4.2.3构建企业人设 19

4.3[案例分析]危机事件中媒体公关的新媒体巧妙运用 20

4.3.1事件回顾 20

4.3.2案例过程分析 21

4.3.3引发的思考和借鉴 22

第5章 新媒体环境下企业危机公关路径 23

5.1在新媒体对危机公关的作用中寻找解决方法 23

5.2在新媒体公关实践中应注意的一些问题 24

结语 26

参考文献 27

致 谢 28

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义


当今社会已经是一个高风险社会,从“911事件”,“次贷”危机到“非典”和“汶川地震”,再到目前的正在发生的“新冠”疫情,危机事件的频发使得危机公关对于企业等社会组织的作用日益显现。另外,公关危机事件给企业带来的影响和破坏也远超过往的情形,如“苏丹红事件”、“富士康跳楼事件”、“毒奶粉事件”、“ 康师傅水源门事件”等一连串让公众瞠目结舌的公关危机事件,对于相关行业内的所有企业都造成了极为恶劣的影响,这让企业等社会组织有必要将危机公关作为维护自身组织生存发展的重要手段。



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