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 2021-11-08 21:36:22  

摘 要







In this paper, the depth hash model is established, and then the feature representation of pedestrian image and the method of person re-identification are obtained. The depth hash model is improved by using different methods of area division, and a pedestrian reidentification method is proposed by weighting the output results. An optimization model of weight vector is established and the optimal weight is obtained by genetic algorithm.

First, alexnet is selected as the pre-training network to train the support vector machine (SVM) through the input characteristics of all the spatial positions gathered in its global pooling layer, and the output real vector is converted into hash code, so as to obtain the depth hash model. Then, in order to improve the accuracy of the depth hash model, the original image was divided into regions and the depth hash model was trained respectively. In this paper, three methods of dividing regions are presented: uniform division, non-uniform division and overlapping division. According to the characteristic results of the corresponding outputs of the four region models, the method that the real number vectors are first weighted and combined, and then converted into a hash code is selected. Finally, according to the theory of person re-identification, an optimization model is established to solve the optimal weight vector, and genetic algorithm is used to solve the optimization model.

The results show that the overlapping method is better than the other two. And we can find the accuracy rate of the deep hash model with overlapping area division weighting is 41.83%.Compared with the 29.76% accuracy rate of using the deep hash model directly, it improves more obviously.

Although the traditional deep hash model has high efficiency, its accuracy has decreased. In this paper, the original image is divided into regions to retain more image features, and the additional weight of each region shows the difference of different features for person re-identification. Thus, the improved depth hash model not only guarantees certain efficiency, but also improves the accuracy. At the same time, as the framework in this paper is modified for the original image and training output results, other deep hashing methods can also be combined to improve partition weighting, with good universality.

Key Words:person re-identification;deep hashing;area division;optimal weights


第1章 绪论 1

□□1.1□研究背景和意义 1

□□1.2□国内外相关工作的研究现状 1

□□1.3□本文的研究目标 2

第2章□深度哈希的行人重识别的区域划分 2

□□2.1□基于ALEXNET的深度哈希模型 2

□□□□2.1.1□深度哈希网络的训练 2

□□□□2.1.2□行人图像特征的提取 3

□□□□2.1.3□行人重识别的构建 3

□□2.2□对行人图像进行区域划分 4

□□□□2.2.1□区域划分的方法 4

□□□□2.2.2□分区域的模型的训练以及行人图像特征提取 6

□□□□2.2.3□行人重识别的构建 7

□□2.3□本章小结 8

第3章□分区加权深度哈希的行人重识别 9

□□3.1□分区域模型的加权改进 9

□□3.2□利用遗传算法求最优权值 11

□□3.3□行人重识别的构建 14

□□3.4□本章小结 14

第4章□实验结果及评价 15

□□4.1□不同划分区域方式的评价 15

□□4.2□最优权值的评价 16

□□4.3□分区加权深度哈希的评价 17

第5章□结论 18

参考文献 19

致谢 21

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义


1.2 国内外相关工作的研究现状

随着行人重识别技术受到越来越多的科研人员的关注,行人重识别技术不断发展完善。如今现存的行人重识别的方法分为两类:基于手工设计的方法和基于深度学习的方法。基于手工设计的方法主要研究特征提取方式和距离计算,在特征提取方式中,比如利用纹理滤波器和颜色通道 [1],对行人的图像进行区域划分,分别提取特征再串联。在行人重识别的距离度量学习方法中,经常使用的两种方法分别为RankSVM[2]方法和boosting[3]方法。而随着深度学习的不断发展,行人重识别领域也开始利用深度学习[4-6]。其应用的深度学习模型主要分为验证模型和分类模型,两种类型的模型对比,基于验证模型的监督信息是弱监督的,体现在输入的相似性约束的样本信息。比如文献[7]提出通过学习图像中条纹水平位移的补丁匹配层以及提高补丁匹配鲁棒性的maxout-grouping 层来过滤配对的神经网络,这种约束更适用于训练集规模较小的情况;而基于分类模型的监督信息则是强监督的,体现在输入样本的信息直接到某个具体的类别,这种约束能适合于训练集规模较大的情况[8]。而随着近年来我国监控设备的大量安装使用,样本数据不断增加,分类模型的深度学习结构可以直接利用行人图像的具体标准信息,能更加充分地标注数据因此相比验证模型更为常用。同时针对验证模型和分类模型自身的优势和不足,有一些关于联合这两种模型来共同训练的研究方法[9]也逐渐在进行。此外,结合手工设计的特征和深度学习模型的行人重识别方法[10]也有一些研究。

1.3 本文的研究目标

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