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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2021-11-08 21:23:35  

摘 要



本文主要包括三层:物理层、信息处理层和虚拟层。物理层建立一定比例的现代楼宇电力沙盘模型,该模型采用工业上常用的PLC控制系统对电力沙盘模型中的水泵、风机、传感器和照明灯等元件进行控制,其中安装的温湿度传感器和二氧化碳浓度传感器通过A/D转换模块与FX-3U系列PLC相连,并将监测和读取的环境数据存储于数据寄存器中;信息处理层通过Modbus-TCP、Web Socket等通讯协议对数据进行传输,利用数据池服务和Influx DB数据库对数据进行处理、映射和存储等;虚拟层通过虚拟仿真软件同比例构建电力沙盘的三维模型,最终发布于HoloLens移动设备端对实体沙盘进行操作与控制,从而实现虚拟场景与现实沙盘模型的双向联动。本系统可为后续研究现代楼宇智能化管理提供有力的理论和技术支撑,同时可将此系统引入教学实验环节,加强学生对 “数字孪生”、“增强现实”的学习和掌握。



Under the trend of Industry 4.0, the rapid development of "digital twin" popular technology and its wide range of application promote the intellectualization of manufacturing process, and promote the application and popularization of modern intelligent building in the field of manufacturing. Due to the complexity of the power system in the company buildings, it is difficult for the staff to control the whole power system and maintain and manage the data. Therefore, it is impossible to effectively improve the power efficiency and reduce the loss, thus causing huge economic losses.

In this paper, the electric power industry as the research background, based on a certain proportion of physical entity model of electric sand in real buildings, combining "twin" digital technology and modeling software to build digital virtual model, through the "augmented reality" technology and virtual equipment, real-time interaction between the real building network communication function, the physical model of the electric sand table and the virtual 3D model is realized.

This paper mainly includes three layers: physical layer, information processing layer and virtual layer. Establish A percentage of the physical power of modern buildings sand table model, this model USES the industry commonly used PLC control system of electric pump in the sand table model, fan control, sensor and lighting components, including installation of the temperature and humidity and co2 concentration sensor through A/D conversion module connected with FX-3U series PLC, environment monitoring and read data stored in the data register; The information processing layer transmits the data through Modbus-TCP, Web Sockets and other communication protocols, and processes, maps and stores the data using the data pool service and the example DB database. The virtual layer constructs the 3D model of the power sand table in the same proportion through the virtual simulation software, and finally releases it on the mobile device of HoloLens to operate and control the physical sand table, so as to realize the two-way linkage between the virtual scene and the real model. The system can provide strong theoretical and technical support for the follow-up research of intelligent management of modern architecture, and can introduce teaching experiments to enhance students' learning and mastery of "digital twins" and "augmented reality".

Key Words: Digital twin; augmented reality; intelligent factory; network communication; programmable controller

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪 论 1

1.1 论文的研究背景 1

1.2 论文研究的目的和意义 2

1.3 论文的主要研究内容 2

第2章 现代楼宇电力沙盘智能交互系统的总体方案 4

2.1 现代楼宇电力沙盘智能交互系统的概述和目标 4

2.2 现代楼宇电力沙盘智能交互系统的实体布局 5

2.3 现代楼宇电力沙盘智能交互系统的总体设计方案 8

第3章 现代楼宇电力沙盘智能交互系统的物理层设计 9

3.1 现代楼宇电力沙盘智能交互系统的通信方式 9

3.2 现代楼宇电力沙盘智能交互系统的硬件选型 10

3.2.1 PLC的选用 10

3.3 现代楼宇电力沙盘智能交互系统的底层控制程序设计 11

第4章 现代楼宇电力沙盘智能交互系统的信息处理层设计 14

4.1 Modbus-TCP通讯协议 14

4.2 数据池 17

4.3 Influx DB时序数据库 17

4.4 Web Socket通讯协议 18

第5章 现代楼宇电力沙盘智能交互系统的虚拟层设计 20

5.1 混合现实MR在工业领域的应用前景 20

5.2 虚拟层硬件设备的选用 20

5.3 渲染引擎的选用 21

5.4 虚拟层功能实现技术 21

5.5 虚拟层功能介绍 22

5.5.1 功能设计 22

5.5.2 软件核心功能 23

第6章 总结 27

6.1 创新与展望 27

6.2 论文总结 27

6.3 工作小结 28

参考文献 30

附 录 32

致 谢 35

第1章 绪论

随着物联网、云计算、大数据、混合现实等新兴技术的迅猛发展,以及它们与生产制造技术的深度融合,世界制造业面临着空前绝后的发展机遇。我国出台的相关政策明确地要求实现智能制造工艺,在工业控制和工业领域试点建设数字智能工厂和楼宇,必将加快智能工厂在制造业各领域的广泛开发利用,其中的智能楼宇更是成为关注的焦点。为了实现智能化楼宇,则需要对虚拟制造和现实加工的结合以及现实物理系统的适用性进行验证,所以需要实施以数字化模型为基础的各类仿真、分析、数据积累等,于是“数字孪生(Digital Twin)”这新兴概念应时而生。

1.1 论文的研究背景



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