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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 信息工程 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:30:06  

摘 要








Under the background of the global aging and the increasing number of people with mobility difficulties, wearable lower extremity exoskeleton robot, as a device integrating sensing and control technologies, can effectively improve their mobility and reduce the social burden. The accurate and reliable recognition of the human movement pattern is an important prerequisite for the exoskeleton robot to work well. With the continuous progress of artificial intelligence technology in recent years, it is a research hot spot to improve the ability of human motion pattern recognition through artificial intelligence. This paper mainly studies the characteristic data of the three movement modes of walking on the ground, going up stairs and going down stairs of human lower limbs movement by BP neural network. The main contents are as follows:

(1) The experimental environment and equipment were built to collect the sensor data of human lower limbs walking on the flat ground, going up stairs and going down stairs under three different motion modes. The influence of different types of sensor data on motion pattern recognition was analyzed, and the sensor data with high correlation was screened out.

(2) Further processing is carried out on the data to remove the obvious interference data points so that there is no mutation in the time axis of the sensor data. The sensor data of walking on the ground, going up stairs and going down stairs were analyzed, and the characteristic data that could reflect the movement state was selected. The training sample set and test data set needed for BP neural network training were made by labeling the characteristic data.

(3) We design BP neural network by selecting appropriate activation function, cost function, output function and so on. Then we write the BP neural network program and use the training data to train the BP neural network. We use the test data to test the recognition accuracy of BP neural network and analyze the recognition effect of BP neural network. Finally, we analyze the factors affecting BP neural network.

The training results and test results of BP neural network reflect that the network has a good recognition accuracy rate for the characteristic data of the three motion modes of walking on the ground, going up stairs and going down stairs.

KEYWORKDS:Lower extremity exoskeleton, pattern recognition, BP neural network


摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究内容及论文结构安排 3

1.3.1 研究内容 3

1.3.2 论文结构安排 4

第二章 人体运动数据采集预处理 5

2.1 实验平台 5

2.2 人体下肢关节分析 8

2.3 人体下肢步态相位分析 10

2.4 人体下肢采集数据预处理 11

2.5 人体下肢三种运动状态特征选取 13

第三章 BP神经网络原理及设计 17

4.1 BP神经网络 17

4.1.1 基本概念 17

4.1.2 BP神经网络原理 17

4.2 BP神经网络设计 18

4.2.1 基本参数设置 18

4.2.2 BP神经网络学习过程 19

第四章 实验结果及分析 22

5.1 训练BP神经网络 22

5.2 验证BP神经网络的识别率 23

5.3 分析BP神经网络的识别效果 23

第五章 全文总结与展望 24

6.1 全文总结 24

6.2 展望 24

致谢 26

参考文献 27

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究目的及意义




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