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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:28:18  

摘 要





Automatic liquid injection system is widely used in biochemical analysis, chromatographic analysis, medical analysis and other fields.The analytical results of reagents and samples are directly influenced by their accuracy and reliability. Moreover, the sample adding speed and sample adding efficiency of the automatic liquid injection system are also important factors that directly affect the reagent development cycle.In modern society, rational development and application of automatic liquid injection system can reduce the workload of operators.On the other hand, the utilization rate of liquid reagent can be greatly improved, thus saving the amount of reagent to some extent.Automatic sampling reduces the error caused by manual sampling and reduces the working intensity.

Automatic sampling system is a system that can perform normal operation after adding the testing agent into the instrument and manually setting the relevant parameters.Its biggest characteristic is the integration of automation and intelligence.At present, many companies in the market do not have high precision of product testing, inadequate testing technology, or the structural design of the product itself or have defects.

This thesis mainly studies the structure design of automatic liquid injection device, and discusses how to meet the design and work requirements with the maximum strength from the structure.And to improve some of the defects of existing products on the market.In this paper, we focus on the research and development of automatic liquid injection system based on the open ion source by mass spectrometry.The final structure of the system is determined by the calculation and selection of the screw, stepper motor, guide rail and other parts of the system.Then through the analysis of the system in the whole process of error will be produced in the part and put forward a solution.The 485 communication circuit is selected as the working circuit of the sampler system to communicate with the upper computer.After debugging, the system can meet the working requirements.

Keywords: liquid injection system;Automation;Open ion source by mass spectrometry;Stepper motor




第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题来源及研究目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究发展现状 1

1.2.1 国外研究现状 1

1.2.2 国内研究现状 6

1.3 研究的基本内容及相关要求 7

1.3.1 研究内容 7

1.3.2 研究目标及要求 7

1.4 本章小结 7

第2章 总体方案设计 8

2.1 总体进样方案选择 8

2.2 敞开式质谱离子源技术对比 8

2.2.1 解吸电喷雾电离技术(DESI) 9

2.2.2 电喷雾萃取离子化技术(EESI) 9

2.2.3 介质阻挡放电离子源技术(DBDI) 9

2.3 自动进样系统传动机构方案选择 11

2.3.1 系统动力源选择 12

2.3.2 传动机构的形式 13

2.4 自动进样方式选择 15

2.4.1 流动式加样 15

2.4.2 注射式进样 16

2.4.3 虹吸式进样 17

2.4.5 进样方案选择 18

2.5 夹持装置方案设计 18

2.5.1 常规式插入结构 18

2.5.2 锯齿形夹持结构 19

2.5.3 夹持结构对比分析 20

2.6 本章小结 20

第3章 机械结构设计 21

3.1 步进电机的选型计算 21

3.2 12针夹持底座及压板设计计算 22

3.3 导轨选型计算 23

3.3.1 导轨设计要求 23

3.3.2导轨设计选型 23

3.4 丝杆选型计算 23

3.5 本章小结 23

第4章 电路部分设计 24

4.1 硬件电路方案设计 24

4.2 RS-485通讯电路介绍 24

4.2.1 通讯电路方案选择 25

4.3控制电路设计 25

4.4 本章小结 26

第5章 实物调试 27

5.1实物图展示 27

5.2 进样结果显示 28

第6章 结论 31

6.1 文章总结 31

参考文献 32

致 谢 33

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题来源及研究目的和意义

液体自动进样系统,即将待测试剂加入仪器中,然后人工设置好相关参数,即可进行正常工作的系统。导轨的设计开发以及合理的进样方式是研究液体进样系统的重点。与通常的固体进样系统设计不同,液体物质的特点是其流动性。因此对液体样本的进样量及储存方式提出了一定的挑战。传统的人工加样方式弊端较多,如肉眼难以准确控制加样量,工作重复且繁琐 [1]。在该问题背景下,研究出一种高效化、智能化、精确化的液体自动进样系统已成为一种迫切需求。为满足在特定工作需求条件下的液体自动进样装置,以此来实现部分或完全取代人工操作的目的。该装置在临床医学检测试验、生物化学试验、色谱分析等领域可以得到充分地应用。


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