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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 海事管理 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:03:33  

摘 要





Blockchain technology has been widely concerned by society since its introduction. Its excellent encryption technology provides a safe and credible environment for information transmission. Now, domestic and foreign scholars hope to use blockchain technology through their own innovation to improve our social life. From the perspective of ship safety supervision, this article considers that the information service platform system established under the traditional technology has security-related problems, which leads to obstacles and hidden dangers in the mutual transmission and transfer of information. Problems with information distortion and inefficiency may occur during the process. After finding the problem, this article attempts to use blockchain technology to explore related issues.

The article mainly analyzes and explores the feasibility of using blockchain technology to solve the above problems, and gives a framework for establishing platforms under new technologies. Through targeted learning and analysis to achieve the principles of blockchain technology decentralization, signature encryption and consensus verification network, combined with the actual situation to further explain and summarize how to use these smoke to solve problems, from which the blockchain technology is obtained Possibility of application in the field of ship safety supervision. This article simulates the establishment of a "ship safety supervision information service platform" based on blockchain technology, and through the analysis of actual life needs and the effect that blockchain technology can achieve, respectively design and analyze the platform's "software and hardware level" "System architecture" and the "social-level system operation architecture" when the entire platform is actually operated for law enforcement. After establishing the general framework, the operation mechanism of the two important usage modes of the platform was simulated. Finally, based on the actual situation that the actual investment may face, it puts forward suggestions for important links. After completing the above simulation, this article also carried out a comparative analysis based on the actual information service platform based on traditional technology, and obtained the comparative advantages of the platform built by blockchain technology and the possible impact on ship safety supervision.

Key words:Blockchain; ship safety supervision; maritime management agency; information service platform

目 录

1引论 1

1.1本选题的研究背景 1

1.2本选题的研究目的 1

1.3国内外研究现状 2

2 基于区块链技术的安全监管体系原理 4

2.1区块链技术的原理 4

2.1.1基于数字签名的信息交流过程 4

2.1.2基于时间戳原理的工作量证明 5

2.1.3由各节点组成的传播网络 6

2.2区块链技术的类型及特点 6

2.4区块链技术在船舶安全监督中的应用可行性 7

2.4.1区块链技术在其它领域的应用 7

2.4.2区块链技术船舶安全监管领域的可能应用 8

3 用区块链技术构建船舶安全监管信息平台 9

3.1平台的设计思路 9

3.1.1参与平台的主体及其权限 9

3.1.2针对传统平台,区块链技术主要功能改进 9

3.1.3平台应该采集的具体信息内容 10

3.2安全监管信息平台系统架构 11

3.2.1基础设施层 12

3.2.2网络层 12

3.2.3共识层 13

3.2.4数据层 13

3.2.5智能合约层 13

3.2.6接口层 13

3.2.7应用层 13

3.3系统实际操作时的相关机制 13

3.3.1以省为节点的系统运行机制 13

3.3.2两种主要功能运行机制设计 15

3.3.3系统间的信息传输 16

3.4平台的比较优势及对船舶安全监管的影响 17

3.4.1对于传统信息平台而言 17

3.4.2对于区块链技术建设的平台而言 17

3.4.3新平台给船舶安全监管带来的影响 18

4 结论与展望 19

4.1结论 19

4.2展望 19

参考文献 20

致 谢 21







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