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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文


 2021-11-02 20:50:45  

摘 要






In order to accurately measure the temperature produced by friction and evaluate the influence of temperature factors on the friction sample, the special situation of the friction sample temperature measurement during the operation of the friction testing machine is studied, a multi-channel temperature measurement system based on k-type thermocouple and 24-bit high precision analog-to-digital converter ADS1248 is designed.

Based on the analysis of the importance of the temperature measurement of the friction surface test to the study of the tribological characteristics and the research status of the temperature measurement using thermocouples at home and abroad, the method of thermocouple temperature measurement is chosen as the sensor of multi-channel temperature measurement system in friction testing machine. According to the principle of thermocouple temperature measurement and its related temperature measurement method, and considering the function of the system, the overall design scheme of multi-channel temperature measurement system based on thermocouple is proposed. The hardware and software design of the multi-channel temperature measurement system is completed through the design of the main modules such as temperature measurement, analog-to-digital conversion chip control, single-chip control, cold-end compensation, serial communication, etc. , through the virtual instrument design software, the functions of data display and data storage are completed. Finally, the error of the system is analyzed and summarized.

The designed system has the advantages of simple and reliable measuring principle, convenient operation, low cost and friendly man-machine interaction.

Key Words:Thermocouple; ADS1248;MCU;Virtual Instrument;Multi-channel temperature measurement


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 研究背景 1

1.2.1热电偶测温的国内外发展现状 1

1.3 设计内容与方案 2

1.3.1 设计的基本内容分析 2

1.3.2 设计的基本目标 2

1.3.3总体设计方案 3

第2章 多路温度测量系统硬件设计 4

2.1 热电偶的选型与温度补偿 4

2.1.1 热电偶测温原理 4

2.1.2热电偶的选型 5

2.1.3热电偶的冷端补偿 6

2.2 模数转换模块设计 6

2.2.1 模数转换芯片的选取 6

2.2.2 ADS1248芯片的设置 7

2.3 单片机的选取与设计 8

第3章 多路温度测量系统软件设计 11

3.1 下位机程序设计 11

3.1.1 系统控制程序的总体结构设计 11

3.1.2 ADS1248程序设计 11

3.1.3 串口子程序设计 14

3.1.4 冷端补偿子程序设计 15

3.2 数控多路温度测量系统监测界面的设计 17

3.2.1 上位机设计软件 17

3.2.2 串口通信模块设计 17

3.2.3 数据显示模块设计 18

3.2.4 数据保存模块设计 19

3.2.5 数控多路温度测量系统监测界面设计 20

第4章 多路温度系统调试结果与误差分析 22

4.1 销-盘式摩擦试验温度测量介绍 22

4.2 系统实验调试结果 23

4.3 误差分析 25

第5章 总结 28

参考文献 29

致谢 30

第1章 绪论

1.1 引言



1.2 研究背景



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