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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文


 2021-11-02 20:43:37  

摘 要




The friction and wear experiment machine is one of the important tools to study the friction and wear and lubrication properties of materials ,and also a favorable means to promote the continuous development of tribology. Based on the work principle and main characteristics of friction and wear testing machine on the basis of comprehensive analysis, the design process to solve the friction and wear testing machine will consume a large amount of manpower and inconvenience to realize modular production and is not easy for the linearization of power load, load on friction and wear testing machine system design the main body of the loading device structure loading force f driving circuit control and display the state of the system software system.The main structure of the loading device adopts the loading structure composed of ball screw and floating spring to ensure the followability of the loading system, and in order to control the loading force conveniently, the stepping motor is used as the loading motor to provide torque to the loading device.The incremental PID control method is adopted to control the accuracy of the loading system, and the loading accuracy is controlled within 5%, which can meet the general requirements of the friction and wear experiment. In addition, the software system uses LabVIEW to construct the upper and lower computer communication and man-machine interaction system, achieving nice results.

Key Words:friction wear testing machine;loading system;stepping motor;lncremental PID contro;LabVIEW


第1章 绪论 1

1.1摩擦实验机加载系统国内外研究现状 2

1.1.1国内研究现状 2

1.1.2国外研究现状 2

1.2设计内容和目标 3

1.2.1设计内容 3

1.2.2设计目标 3

第2章 数控加载系统设计方案论证 4

2.1加载装置结构设计方案 4

2.2加载电机的驱动与控制方案 5

2.3单片机与上位机软件选择方案 6

2.4控制算法的设计方案 7

第3章 加载装置结构设计 8

3.1加载装置总体结构设计 8

3.2加载装置零件设计参数计算 8

3.2.1加载电机和滚珠丝杠参数计算及型号选择 8

3.2.2联轴器参数计算及型号选择 12

3.2.3弹簧参数的设计计算 13

第4章 系统硬件设计 16

4.1单片机最小系统模块 16

4.2步进电机驱动模块 17

4.3编码器控制模块 18

4.4加载力传感器测量模块 18

第5章 加载系统控制软件设计 22

5.1下位机软件程序设计 22

5.1.1 驱动步进电机的脉冲信号控制设计 23

5.1.2 数据采集控制设计 23

5.1.3 串口通信控制设计 24

5.1.4 加载系统精度PID控制设计 26

5.2上位机软件程序设计 28

5.3软件部分整体调试 32

第6章 系统标定及误差分析 34

6.1系统标定方法及过程 34

6.2系统误差分析 37

第7章 结论 38

参考文献 39

附录A:元器件清单 40

附录B:上位机程序框图 41

附录C:下位机程序 42

致谢 48

第1章 绪论



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