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 2021-10-28 20:36:20  

摘 要






The content of this article is based on 51 single-chip Computer's myopic desk lamp design, in this technology development, the society progresses unceasingly time, people contact electronic equipment's frequency is higher and higher, myopic person's number is increasing day by day. However, the protection of eyesight has also been paid more and more attention. Therefore, I hope that more people can focus on their own eye health through this design. The purpose of this design is through the design of eye-protection desk lamp, so that people do not forget to protect their own eye health while studying and working.

In the development language, the use of the C language; in the Development Environment, the use of Proteus drawing circuit schematic diagram, the use of Keil4 to prepare the head guard desk lamp control procedures, and will be combined with Keil4 Proteus, simulation; in the technical means, ultrasonic ranging technology, light intensity detection technology, AD conversion technology, acoustooptic alarm technology, digital tube dynamic display technology, PWM dimming technology, etc. . The ultrasonic distance measuring module reminds the user to keep a proper distance, and the buzzer alerts the user to correct the sitting posture when the user is too close to the desk. Through the light intensity detection and a / D conversion, the collected optical signal is transformed into a digital quantity and transmitted to the single-chip microcomputer. After the single-chip processing to get PWM signal, the use of PWM signal, control LED lamp brightness. At the same time, the eye protection lamp can also remind the user to take a reasonable rest after the study time reaches the set value.

Through the design of the eye-protecting desk lamp, the functions such as adjusting the sitting posture of the user, sound and light alarm, overtime study reminder, automatic light adjustment and so on are realized,it achieves the purpose of design.

Keywords: Smart Desk Lamp; Light Intensity Detection; PWM dimming; ultrasonic ranging; time-out learning

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 护目灯的研究背景 1

1.2 设计的目的及意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 1

第2章 方案设计与论证 3

2.1 设计目标及需求分析 3

2.2 系统总框图及模块功能 3

2.2.1 系统总原理框图 3

2.2.2 模块及功能介绍 4

第3章 系统硬件设计 6

3.1 中央控制单元 6

3.1.1 51单片机简介 6

3.1.2 STC89C52简介 6

3.2 单片机最小系统 9

3.2.1 电源电路 9

3.2.2 晶振电路 9

3.2.3 复位电路 10

3.3 声光报警电路 11

3.3.1 发光二极管电路 11

3.3.2 蜂鸣器报警电路 12

3.4 数码管显示电路 13

3.5 超声波测距电路 14

3.6 光强度检测电路 16

3.6.1 光强度采集电路 16

3.6.2 AD模数转换电路 17

3.7 LED驱动电路 19

3.8 独立按键电路 20

第4章 软件程序设计与调试 22

4.1 超声波测距模块 22

4.2 超时学习提醒模块 26

4.3 AD模数转换模块 31

4.4 PWM调光模块 33

4.5 仿真调试与结果分析 34

4.5.1 仿真调试及结果 34

4.5.2 结果分析 41

第5章 总结 43

参考文献 44

附录A 45

致 谢 46

第1章 绪论

1.1 护目灯的研究背景

如今,在学习的负担不断增加的同时,越来越多的学生使用手机、平板电脑和其他电子产品学习,比如网课,查阅资料等等,使学生的近视人数大幅增加。据统计,全国近视眼人数比例呈现不断上涨趋势。特别是学生视力低下的情况,令人担忧。绝大部分学生都伴随着一定程序的近视,近视严重影响了孩子的身心健康。现在的眼睛长期处于疲劳的状态,更容易引起近视等眼部疾病。 尤其是在照明条件不良好的情况下,更加会加重视觉疲劳,引起视力下降。各种因素叠加在一起,导致了近视呈现低龄化,程度深的结果。根据权威调查报告显示,青少年的近视率是世界第一。因此,预防近视,保护青少年身心健康已不容忽视。

1.2 设计的目的及意义



1.3 国内外研究现状


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