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 2021-10-27 22:15:00  

摘 要






The main functions of Intelligent Bus System are real-time allocation and management of bus vehicles, optimization and improvement of current bus routes, and prediction of traffic conditions. To achieve this system, the key technology is the automatic passenger count technology. In our country, the public transport passenger flow is large and the crowded situation has become normal. However, at present, most of the methods widely used at home and abroad to automatically count passengers have the drawbacks of low accuracy and inaccurate counting. Therefore, in order to build an efficient and reasonable intelligent bus system, it is necessary to design an efficient, accurate and practical automatic passenger count system, which is of great significance to the construction of an environment-friendly city.

This paper first analyses the various bus automatic passenger counting methods at home and abroad, points out their advantages and disadvantages, and finally chooses the method of automatic passenger counting using active infrared sensor. The idea of this design is to install active infrared sensors at the doors of the front and rear doors of buses, and to collect data on passenger embarkation and disembarkation behavior by relying on the infrared sensor module. The infrared sensor selected in this paper is small in size, so it will not affect the normal disembarkation and disembarkation of passengers and achieve senseless detection. With the excellent performance of STC8G1K17 single-chip microcomputer, the data collected by the infrared sensor module is processed, and passenger statistics are accurately and accurately transmitted to the upper computer through WIFI for further analysis. It provides reference for the management, scheduling and decision-making of intelligent bus system. Through the simulation of the actual situation of bus passengers getting on and off, the test results show that the system has a high accuracy in the population statistics. However, due to the limitations of conditions, some performance still needs to be further optimized and improved after practical application.

The design of this article is innovative and safe. It meets the needs of epidemic prevention and control in the whole country. It can be widely used in public places with high population density and difficult to accurately count, such as scenic spots, office buildings, gymnasiums, etc.

Key Words:MCU;infrared sensor;passenger counting;automatic counting

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 智能化公共交通系统国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 国外智慧公交系统发展现状 1

1.2.2 国内智慧公交系统发展现状 2

1.3 本文的研究内容 3

1.4 本文内容安排 3

第2章 系统的总体设计 4

2.1 乘客计数方法介绍 4

2.1.1 统计分析方法 4

2.1.2 压力传感器计数方法 4

2.1.3 公交IC卡客流信息提取法 4

2.1.4 基于视频图像处理技术的计数方法 5

2.1.5 基于红外传感技术的计数方法 5

2.2 系统总体设计及分析 5

第3章 系统硬件部分设计 7

3.1 红外传感器模块的设计 7

3.1.1 红外传感器的基本原理 7

3.1.2 红外传感器模块的放置安装 10

3.2 单片机模块的设计 11

3.2.1 单片机发展现状 11

3.2.2 单片机的发展趋势 12

3.2.3 单片机的主要应用领域 13

3.2.4 单片机模块的选用 13

3.3 串口转WIFI模块的设计 15

3.3.1 HLK-RM04简介 15

3.3.2 单片机串行口通信技术 17

3.4 上位机环节的说明 17

第4章 系统软件部分设计 19

4.1 系统软件部分总体设计 19

4.2 DS1307时钟模块 19

4.2.1 DS1307的其他相关技术分析 20

4.2.2 DS1307部分程序的设计 22

4.3 串口转WIFI模块 22

4.3.1 波特率的设置 22

4.3.2 串口转WIFI部分程序设计 24

4.4 红外传感器模块 24

第5章 乘客计数系统的实现与测试 26

第6章 总结与展望 29

参考文献 31

附录A 33

附录B 34

致谢 35






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