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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-10-25 21:30:18  

摘 要







This design is the construction drawing design of No.2 bid for Shanxi section of G40 national trunk highway, with a total length of over 5,000 kilometers. In the design, the road grade and the number of lanes of the design route shall be determined according to the local traffic volume. After conversion of standard traffic volume and comparison with road specifications, the design is finally determined as a four-lane expressway with a design speed of 100 km/h.

After determining the road grade and design speed, on the 1:10000 topographic map of the designed road section, according to the topographic and geomorphic conditions of the local actual topographic map of the designed road section and in combination with the requirements of relevant codes, two different route design schemes are basically determined: one is the design route and the other is the alternative route. According to the requirements of relevant codes and combined with its own topographic and geomorphic conditions, the two routes are designed with plane line type and vertical section respectively. After the design is completed, according to the design results of plane line design and vertical section design, for the two routes determined, according to the relevant factors such as line type index, engineering quantity and demolition quantity, scheme comparison and selection are carried out, and the preferred scheme is selected.

After the selection of the recommended scheme is completed, cross-section design, subgrade design, two different pavement designs and a variety of drainage designs are carried out for the selected recommended scheme according to relevant specifications and in combination with the local topography, route line type and other factors. Subgrade design includes gravity retaining wall and slope protection design for some lines. Pavement design of roads includes two different pavement designs for the recommended scheme, namely asphalt pavement design and cement concrete pavement design. After the design is completed, according to the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the two design schemes, and in combination with the local actual conditions of the design section, the comparison and selection are completed, and the recommended pavement scheme is selected.

In the process of design, charts related to the whole design shall be compiled following the design, relevant design drawings shall be drawn according to the specification requirements, and design specifications for design projects shall be compiled at the same time.

Key words: expressway; route design; subgrade and pavement design; retaining wall design


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 中国公路的发展概况 1

1.2项目概况 1

1.2.1地形地貌 1

1.2.2 地质 1

1.2.3 地震 2

1.2.4气候 2

1.2.5水文 3

1.2.6沿线筑路材料的情况 4

1.3设计主要内容 4

第2章 平面设计 6

2.1 道路类型,等级的确定 6

2.2设计行车速度的确定 6

2.3 平面线型的设计标准 7

2.3.1 直线长度控制 7

2.3.2 圆曲线半径控制 7

2.3.3 平曲线的要素 7

2.4 设计路线几何元素的计算 9

第3章 纵断面设计 11

3.1 竖曲线设计 11

3.2 设计路线的几何元素的计算 12

3.3 方案比选 13

第4章 横断面设计 14

4.1 横断面各部分尺寸的确定 14

4.2 路拱的确定 14

4.3 超高的计算举例 14

第5章 路基设计 15

5.1 设计基本规定 15

5.1.1路基设计洪水频率 15

5.1.2护脚、护肩、护坡的襟边宽度 15

5.1.3路基填土最小高度 15

5.2 路基横断面设计 16

5.2.1填方路基 16

5.2.2挖方路基 16

5.2.3半填半挖路基 16

第6章 排水设计 18

6.1 一般规定 18

6.2 地表排水 18

6.2.1边沟 18

6.2.2截水沟 19

6.2.3跌水和急流槽 19

6.3地下排水 19

6.3.1隔离层与排水垫层 19

6.3.2暗沟和暗管 20

6.3.3渗井 20

第7章 路面设计 21

7.1 路面设计的原则 21

7.2 路面类型与结构方案设计 21

7.3沥青路面设计 21

7.4水泥混凝土路面设计 24

7.5方案比选 25

第8章 路基加固(支挡)及防护设计 27

8.1 一般规定 27

8.2 坡面防护 27

8.3 挡土墙设计 28

第9章 桥涵设计 32

9.1 一般规定 32

9.2 涵洞的设计原则 32

9.3 涵洞类型的选择 32

参考文献 33

致谢 34

第1章 绪论

1.1 中国公路的发展概况






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