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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-10-25 21:30:01  

摘 要






The method of the design is the national highway main G40 shanxi section 6 standard. According to the traffic volume of the designed highway, the inspection specification is determined as the freeway. The total length of the design section is 5000m, four-lane two-way. And the design speed is 100km / h.

In the graduation project, firstly, according to the traffic volume to determine the road grade and lane number. And then according to the topographic map for plane line selection,I should avoid occupying farmland and existing buildings in line selection. And after the determination of the two contrast routes, I should make flat design and vertical design respectively. And the design of the two routes must strictly meet the flat and vertical combination design principle . Then the two routes are compared and selected the recommended scheme. Making a detailed understanding of the situation along the recommended scheme, then I determine the width of the roadbed and the slope of the arch. And then I design the shape and slope of the slope, the cross section of the drainage ditch and ditch. According to the geological conditions along the road, I make roadbed protection and reinforcement engineering design. After calculating the traffic grade, the structural layer thickness of asphalt pavement and cement concrete pavement is designed respectively. And then I use software to check if the specification is met. According to the local hydrological and climatic conditions, the design of subgrade drainage facilities and drainage arrangement is worked out, and then the design of bridge and culvert is carried out according to whether there are rivers and old roads crossing. And along with the design process, I can prepare the calculation specification according to the design content.. Finally, I draw the drawings and tables related to the whole design.

The whole design is calculated and plotted by HintCAD 7.0 , CAD 2014 and HPDS2017. And the design is completed in strict accordance with the requirements of the graduation project.

Keywords:Freeway; Road design; Road subgrade and pavement; Bridge and culvert

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 中国公路发展概况 1

1.2 选题的意义 1

1.3 基本设计资料 1

1.3.1 地形地质条件和水文条件 1

1.3.2 气候条件 2

1.3.3 材料供应条件 2

1.4 设计主要内容 2

2 平面线形设计 3

2.1 道路等级论证 3

2.1.1 交通量换算 3

2.1.2 确定道路等级 4

2.2 平面线形设计标准 5

2.2.1 直线长度 5

2.2.2 圆曲线最小半径 5

2.2.3 缓和曲线的最小长度 6

2.2.4 超高和加宽 7

2.3 平面线形设计说明 7

2.3.1 相关技术指标 7

2.3.2 平面设计方案 8

2.3.3 平面线要素计算 9

3 纵断面设计 12

3.1 纵面线形设计标准 12

3.1.1 纵坡坡度 12

3.1.2 纵坡坡长 12

3.1.3 视距长度 13

3.2 竖曲线设计说明 13

3.2.1 相关技术指标 13

3.2.2 纵断面设计方案 13

3.2.3 计算竖曲线要素 17

3.3 方案比选 18

4 路基设计 19

4.1 相关要求和技术指标 19

4.2 路基横断面设计 19

4.2.1 典型横断面设计 19

4.2.2 路堤和路堑边坡坡度 20

4.2.3 路基宽度 20

4.2.4 超高和加宽 20

4.2.5 土石方量计算 21

5 路基加固(支挡)及防护工程设计 23

5.1 挡土墙设计 23

5.1.1 排水设计 23

5.1.2 变形缝设计 23

5.2 本次挡土墙设计 23

5.2.1 挡土墙位置选择 23

5.2.2 混凝土仰斜式路堤墙 23

5.3 防护工程设计 28

6 路面设计 29

6.1 近期交通量组成 29

6.2 路面结构设计 30

6.2.1 沥青路面结构设计 30

6.2.2 水泥混凝土路面结构设计 36

6.2.3 方案比选 42

7 路基排水工程设计 43

7.1路基地面排水设计 43

7.2路基地下排水处理 43

8 桥涵设计 44

8.1 技术标准 44

8.2 桥梁设计 44

8.3 涵洞设计 44

9结 论 45

参考文献 46

致 谢 47

1 绪论

1.1 中国公路发展概况


1.2 选题的意义


1.3 基本设计资料

1.3.1 地形地质条件和水文条件



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