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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-10-24 15:51:44  

摘 要


本文结合某自锚式悬索桥桥梁设计,深入了解并熟悉其有关设计文件,通过Midas Civli建立其结构分析模型,并以该模型为参考对象,,通过修改矢跨比参数分别为1/3.85、1/4.02、1/4.17将桥型分为三种情况,并对这三种情况分别进行了分析比较,以此得出结论。




The self anchored suspension bridge is different from the ground anchored suspension bridge. It is a kind of bridge where the main cable is directly anchored to the main beam. In this way, there is no need for a huge anchoring structure, and the project cost is reduced.In recent years,the implication is also more and more.The Self-anchored suspension bridge ratio is the most important parameter in the overall design of such bridges, usually between 1/ 9 and 1/11.

In this paper, according to the design of a Self-anchored Suspension Bridge Bridge, the author has a deep understanding and familiarity with the design documents of the bridge, and establishes a structural analysis model by Midas Civli, and takes the model as the reference object, by modifying the rise-span ratio parameters to be 1/ 3.85,1 / 4.02 and 1 /4.17 respectively, the bridge type is divided into three cases, and these three cases are analyzed and compared respectively.

The results show that the smaller the rise-to-span ratio, the greater the main cable tension, the greater the gravity stiffness, the lower the deflection under live load, but the engineering cost will increase, while the larger the rise -to-span ratio is just the opposite. Therefore, how to select the appropriate ratio of the main cable to the span is very important to the overall design of the Self- anchored suspension bridge.It is proposed to carry out the numerical simulation on the design parameters of the rise-span ratio of the main cable in order to get useful inspiration and provide reference for the future design.

Key Words:self-anchored suspension bridge;numerical simulation;static characteristics;rise-span ratio


第1章 绪论 3

1.1简介 3

1.2发展现状 3

1.2.1国外发展现状 3

1.2.2国内发展现状 5

1.3目的及意义 7

第2章桥梁设计基本资料 8

2.1 自锚式悬索桥受力特性 8

2.2自锚式悬索桥常见设计 8

2.3桥梁工程概况 8

2.3.1工程位置、规模和范围 8

2.3.2工程场地自然条件 9

2.3.3现况道路、建筑物与其周边环境 10

2.4设计技术标准与主要设计参数 10

2.5建筑材料 11

2.5.1混凝土 11

2.5.2钢筋 12

2.5.3钢材 13

2.6桥梁设计 13

2.6.1桥梁横断面布置 13

2.6.2主桥结构设计 14

2.6.3结构布置 14

2.6.4结构体系 14

2.6.5索塔及基础设计 14

2.6.6加劲梁 15

2.6.7主缆设计 15

2.6.8吊索及索夹设计 16

2.6.9主索鞍设计 16

2.6.10主缆锚固体系 16

2.6.11引桥结构设计 16

2.6.12人行天桥 17

第3章桥梁模型建立 18

3.1 Midas Civil简介 18

3.2定义材料特性 18

3.3定义截面特性值 18

3.4悬索桥建模助手 19

3.5桥梁总体模型 19

3.6施加荷载 20

3.7运行分析 21

第4章数值分析 23

第5章结论 25

参考文献 26

致谢 27

第1章 绪论




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