2021-09-27 00:03:59
摘 要
由于隔离开关没有灭弧装置,GIS中的隔离开关在操作过程中会产生快速暂态过电压(VFTO),当VFTO传播遇到 GIS外壳连接处或者间断处时通过波的反射和折射作用将部分电压行波耦合到 GIS壳体和地之间,从而引起暂态壳体地电位(TEV)升高。由于TEV具有幅值高、波形陡、频带宽等特点,会造成绝缘问题及干扰二次设备的正常运行。 随着GIS的电压等级越来越高,TEV带来的问题也越来越严重,因此,对GIS中隔离开关操作时产生的TEV升高的试验研究对保证变电站的安全稳定运行意义重大。
关键词: GIS;暂态壳体地电位;暂态特性;双指数脉冲波
When the disconnecting switch(DS) operates,since there is no arc extinguishing device in it,very fast transient overvoltage(VFTO)will be produced during the operation .When VFTO spreads to the combination between GIS and bushing,there will be part of the voltage waveforms couple between the housing and the ground,resulting in transient enclosure voltage (TEV). TEV has high amplitude,steep rise time of waveform,wide frequency band and other characteristics,these may cause insulation problems and interfere the normal operation of GIS secondary equipments. GIS voltage levels are getting higher and higher,the problems caused by TEV are much more serious,so the experimental study of TEV which produced during the operation of DS in GIS is of great significance to insure the safe operation of the substation.
To solve this problem,simulation and actual measurement are used to research TEV in this paper. In the process of TEV simulation,the simulation circuit has been built according to the actual structure of GIS,double exponential pulse is utilized to simulate VFTO as the excitation source of GIS enclosure circuit,then draw the conclusions from calculation and analysis. Moreover,the influence of the excitation source and the grounding line on TEV has been discussed and some measures to inhibit TEV are proposed. In the process of TEV actual measurement,based on the 330kV GIS test platform,reasonable TEV measurement tests have been designed. The TEV waveforms in bushings are measured during the operation of DS and analyzed in time domain and frequency domain,and the results are in good agreement with the simulation ones.
Key Words: GIS;TEV;Transient characteristics;Double exponential pulse
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状分析 2
1.2.1 仿真计算 3
1.2.2 实际测量 3
1.3 论文的主要研究内容 4
第2章 TEV的仿真计算及其影响因素研究 5
2.1 暂态壳体地电位的产生机理及计算方法 5
2.1.1 TEV产生机理 5
2.1.2 TEV的计算方法 6
2.2 330kV GIS回路TEV计算 7
2.2.1 TEV仿真模型 9
2.2.2 仿真结果分析 11
2.3 考虑激励源对TEV的影响 13
2.4 考虑接地线对TEV的影响 17
2.5 本章小结 18
第3章 TEV的试验研究 19
3.1 GIS中TEV试验平台的建立 19
3.1.1 试验装置 19
3.1.2 测量装置 20
3.1.3 测量原理及步骤 22
3.2 TEV波形暂态特性参数的定义 24
3.3 试验测量结果与分析 26
3.3.1 隔离开关分闸操作时TEV波形分析 27
3.3.2 隔离开关合闸操作时TEV波形分析 28
3.3.3 TEV波形暂态特性总结 30
3.3.4 TEV波形频域分析 31
3.4 TEV仿真与实测波形对比分析 32
3.5 本章小结 33
第4章 总结与展望 34
4.1 全文总结 34
4.2 研究展望 34
参考文献 36
致 谢 37
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题的研究背景和意义
SF6封闭式组合电器(Gas-Insulated Switchgear,GIS)在国际上称为气体绝缘变电站(Gas-Insulated Substations,GIS),是指将电气设备(架空线和变压器等设备除外)密封在具有良好灭弧性能的SF6气体中的一种开关装置,如图1.1所示[1]。
图1.1 兰州东变电站800kVGIS外观图
GIS也有一个致命的缺点:GIS中的隔离开关操作属于常规操作,且隔离开关没有灭弧装置,因此在操作过程中会产生电弧重燃,加在触头间的电压差迅速(纳秒级)下降,在GIS内部形成行波,引起高频振荡而形成快速暂态过电压(Very Fast Transient Over-voltage,VFTO)[1]。当VFTO传播遇到 GIS外壳连接处或者间断处时通过波的反射和折射作用将部分电流行波耦合到 GIS壳体和地之间,从而引起暂态壳体地电位(Transient Enclosure Voltage,TEV)升高。TEV是GIS外部的一种暂态过电压现象,是变电站电磁兼容问题之一。TEV单脉冲的典型波形如图1.2所示。
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