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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-06-25 00:43:31  

摘 要


本次设计的主要包括结构桥跨布置、内力计算、钢筋配置、截面验算、施工设计等主要内容。完成桥跨布置后,合理地拟定主梁的截面尺寸,建立Midas计算模型,根据截面尺寸和设计荷载进行荷载组合,荷载里面包括了静力荷载和移动荷载,静力荷载主要由自重和二期恒载两个部分,而移动荷载包括了车道荷载和人群荷载,等我们施加荷载之后后运行分析计算各控制截面的内力。 内力分析,估算预应力筋,根据配筋情况和截面尺寸对桥梁结构进行持久状况承载能力极限状态验算结果。对梁段进行施工阶段分段,然后设计施工步骤,编撰施工图纸。



Bridge, on the economy, culture, and people's daily life has a close relationship, and a major bridge also for countries to the development of transportation, the development of the national economy, promote cultural exchanges and consolidating national defense etc. has important significance. This design is about the letter river bridge design calculation in the design, to meet the needs of the bridge of the use of the task, the nature and location of the line's long-term development, in accordance with the advanced technology, safe and reliable, durability, economical and reasonable requirements, while taking into account the handsome in appearance and is favorable for environmental protection principles. Moreover, we consider the according to local conditions, local materials, convenient construction and maintenance and other factors. Finally, the bridge is three span prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge, along the span of the symmetrical arrangement. Single box double room prestressed box girder with variable cross section. Balanced cantilever construction method.

This design mainly includes the structure internal force calculation, the steel bar configuration, section and so on. After the completion of the bridge span arrangement, according to the bridge plan reasonable to draw up the section size of the main girder, according to the section size and design load of load combination, the calculation of internal force of the control section. According to the analysis of the internal force, the area of prestressed reinforcement and common reinforcement is estimated, and the structure of the bridge is checked according to the situation of reinforcement and the size of the section. Structure internal force calculation using Midas civil software, load, including static load and moving load, static load for weight and secondary dead load, moving load for the lane load and the crowd load, calculation control section line impact, the most disadvantageous position of the cloth by for control section of the minimum and maximum internal force of the structure.

Key Words: Prestressed concrete; three span prestressed continuous beam bridge; single box double room prestressed box girder


第1章 绪论 1

1.1预应力混凝土连续梁桥概述 1

1.2设计标准 1

1.3桥址建设条件 2

1.4主要材料 3

1.5规范和技术标准 4

第2章 桥型方案比选 5

2.1 设计资料 5

2.2 初拟桥型方案 5

2.2.1预应力混凝土连续梁方案 6

2.2.2预应力混凝土T型刚构方案 7

2.2.3钢筋混凝土箱型拱桥方案 9

2.3 方案比选 11

第3章 桥梁总体布置 12

3.1桥孔布置 12

3.2横截面尺寸 12

3.3桥梁下部结构 13

第四章MIDAS计算模型的建立 14

4.1桥梁概况及一般截面 14

4.2梁桥分析与设计 14

4.21. 建模条件 14

4.2.2定义材料 15

4.2.3定义截面 15

4.3单元划分 15

4.4模型截面 16

4.4材料特性 16

4.5计算模型 18

4.6荷载工况及荷载组合 18

第五章Midas模型的分析结果 26

5.1 内力图 26

5.2预应力钢筋的估算与布置 28

5.2.1按承载能力极限计算时满足正截面强度要求: 29

5.2.2按正常使用极限状态的应力要求计算 30

5.2.3通过Midas估算实际配筋数量 33

5.2.4预应力钢筋配置图 35

5.3控制截面影响线计算 35

5.4恒载内力计算 39

5.4.1一期恒载作用下各控制截面内力值 40

5.4.2二期恒载作用下各控制截面内力值 41

第六章持久状况承载能力极限状态验算结果 42

6.1 正截面抗弯承载能力验算 42

6.2 斜截面抗剪承载能力验算 45

6.3 抗扭承载能力验算 49

6.4反力计算 54

第七章施工设计 57

7.1施工阶段设计 57

7.2施工步骤说明 58

结论 60

参考文献 61

致谢 62

第一章 绪论




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