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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 文学教育类 > 广告学 > 正文


 2021-05-25 21:55:30  

摘 要




  1. 网络口碑接受度在消费者不同的团购接触时间上有显著差异。
  2. 消费者价格敏感度和感知价值能力正向影响其网络团购意愿。
  3. 消费者网络口碑接受度正向影响其网络团购意愿,网络口碑接受度越高,其网络团购意愿越高。




As a new way of online shopping, Business To Team has become one of the most popular way of shopping today after experiencing explosive growth. By December 2015, the number of Chinese users of that reached 180 million.it had increased 7.55 million compared to the end of 2014.The growth rate was 4.4%.

Based on the reference of existing and online literature about Business To Team and Internet Word of Mouth, the research will regard the consumers who has participated in one Business To Team as the research object, taking the form of questionnaire survey to explore how IWOM the customers’ purchase intention of Business To Team. Based on the analysis and summary of related literature, this study summary the elements of the IWOM and purchase intention to B2T.Then the assumptions are put forward on the premise. The data of this study

are accessed by questionnaire investigation. Then I analyze the data around the established hypothesis to verify the reliability of hypothesis. Finally, I give some related suggestions by the conclusions of the study, and find out the deficiency of the research.

The main conclusions are as follows:

(1) There will be significant differences on the acceptance of IWOM when consumers have different contact times about B2T.

(2) Consumers’ price- sensitive and Customer Perceived Value have significantly positive effect on their purchase intention of B2T.

(3) Consumers’ acceptance of IWOM has significantly positive effect on their purchase intention of B2T.The acceptance of IWOM is higher, the higher the purchase intention will be.

Finally, this paper give related suggestions on enhance the quality of product or service, enhance the information communication between sellers and consumers, spread the information about IWOM in differentiation.

Key Words:Internet Word-of-Mouth;Business To Team;Purchase Intention

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2研究目的与内容 2

1.2.1研究目的 2

1.2.2 研究内容 2

1.3研究方法 2

1.3.1文献分析法 2

1.3.2问卷调查法 2

1.3.3统计分析法 2

第2章 相关理论研究综述 3

2.1网络口碑 3

2.1.1 口碑与网络口碑 3

2.1.2网络口碑接受度 3

2.1.3 网络口碑影响因素 4

2.2网络团购 6

2.2.1网络团购的定义 6

2.2.2网络团购的模式及发展现状 6

2.3 消费者团购意愿的影响因素 7

2.3.1价格敏感度 7

2.3.2感知价值 7

2.3.2 知觉风险 8

第3章 研究方案设计 9

3.1研究框架 9

3.2研究假设的内容设定 9

3.3问卷设计 9

3.3.1研究对象与范围 9

3.3.2调研内容 9

第4章 模型实证研究 12

4.1样本基本信息及描述性统计分析 12

4.1.1 性别 12

4.1.2 年龄 12

4.1.3 收入 13

4.1.4 团购接触时间 13

4.2信度与效度检验 13

4.2.1 信度检验 13

4.2.2 效度检验 14

4.3相关性分析 14

4.3.1 网络口碑接受度在消费者团购接触时间上的差异分析 14

4.3.2网络团购意愿在网络团购影响因素上的相关分析 15

4.3.3网络口碑接受度与网络团购意愿的相关性分析 16

4.4 假设检验 16

4.4.1 网络口碑接受度在消费者团购接触时间上的差异 16

4.4.2 消费者团购因素对其网络团购意愿的影响 16

4.4.3 消费者网络口碑接受度对其网络团购意愿的影响 17

第5章 结论 18

5.1研究结论 18

5.2研究建议 18

5.3本文不足 19

参考文献 20

附 录 21

致 谢 25

第1章 绪论


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