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基于Raspberry Pi的嵌入式实时语音分析与识别系统毕业论文

 2021-05-25 21:26:33  

摘 要


本文在Raspberry Pi 2 Model B V1.1的Linux系统上通过C语言编程,并且连接一些外部电路,来实现语音分析及其相关控制和语音识别,本文主要工作内容包括:(1)Raspberry Pi通过USB接口连接外置的绿联公司生产的内置芯片为C-Media HS-100B的USB声卡;(2)通过声卡将外置麦克风与树莓派相连,麦克风用来录入语音分析和语音识别的语音输入;(3)语音输入的模拟信号经由声卡中的ADC转换为计算机可处理的数字语音信号;(4)经过程序编码实现语音分析,并且用其结果进行控制功能,外部电路以及程序运行结果都会体现这种控制;(5)在语音识别环节,本设计运用科大讯飞的开放资源代码,在树莓派上进行代码调试;(6)在语音录入后,运行代码,实现语音转文字的语音识别。




Raspberry pie is a small computer with high performance and it can realize many powerful functions. Due to the rapid development of the network, speech analysis and recognition in the modern society keep receiving increasing attention, such as Siri and lots of sound control intelligent system and so on. This paper talks about voice analysis and voice recognition on Raspberry Pi.

In this paper, the Raspberry Pi’s model is B2 V1.1. I use C language programming on the Linux system of Raspberry Pi and make the Pi connected to some external circuits, achieving speech analysis, its related controlling part and speech recognition function. This design mainly contains several following steps:(1)Raspberry Pi is connected to external USB sound card through its USB interface. The sound card is produced by Green Couplet Company and its built-in chip is the c-media HS-100B;(2)Through the sound card, external microphone and raspberry pie is connected and the external microphone is used to input voice signal for speech analysis and speech recognition;(3)By using the ADC circuit in the sound card, analog speech input signals will be transferred into digital signals which can be processed by computer;(4)Voice analysis is realized through the programming, and its results are used to control both the external circuit and the code running results;(5)In the speech recognition process, the open source code from IFLYTEK CO.,LTD is used to realize the recognition function;(6)Debugging the open source code, the speech input will be recognized to text.

This design has some following features:(1)The voice decibel can be simultaneously displayed and used to simultaneously control some more functions;(2)Before voice recognition, users can upload their own vocabulary, according to which voice information can be recognized.

Key Words:Raspberry Pi;C programming;Voice Analysis;Voice recognition

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究现状及相关技术 1

1.1.1 树莓派的发展 1

1.1.2 语音分析与识别技术的发展及现状 2

1.2 课题研究的背景与目的 3

1.3 本课题的主要工作内容 4

1.4 本章小结 4

第2章 语音分析原理及音频文档头文件设计 5

2.1 语音信号的模数转换 5

2.2 声音分贝值的计算 5

2.3 音频文档头文件设计 6

2.4 本章小结 9

第3章 语音分析及其控制设计 10

3.1 总体设计步骤 10

3.2 总体设计流程图 10

3.3 模块设计 12

3.3.3 实际电路控制模块 12

3.3.1 声音录入模块 18

3.3.2 软件控制模块 21

3.4 本章小结 24

第4章 语音识别 25

4.1 语音识别原理与技术 25

4.1.1 语音识别基本原理 25

4.1.2 语音信号的预处理 26

4.1.3 语音信号端点的检测 26

4.1.4 提取语音信号的特征参数 26

4.1.5 语音识别技术介绍 27

4.2 科大讯飞语音识别技术原理 29

4.3 语音识别的实物实现 31

4.3.1 语音识别实物实现步骤 31

4.3.2 语音识别过程与结果图 31

4.4 本章小结 32

第5章 总结与展望 33

参考文献 34

致 谢 35

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题研究现状及相关技术

1.1.1 树莓派的发展

Raspberry pi是一个超小型的计算机,信用卡尺寸的[1],由剑桥大学的Eben Upton所带领的一支团队所开发。这个超小型计算机的最大的特点就是价格非常便宜并且可用性价比高,价格仅仅在二三十美元左右,却可以运行Linux系统,可以连接显示器、键盘等使用,甚至可以运行像《雷神之锤III竞技场》的游戏或者播放高画质(1080p)的视频影片等等[2],因此,它的问世引来了不小的关注。树莓派的生产是通过Element 14/Premier Farnellg公司和RS Components公司。


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