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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 环境科学 > 正文


 2021-05-18 23:30:36  

摘 要


采用二甲基硫酸钠和亚硝酸钠制备硝基甲烷过程中产生了大量的有害废气,这些废气主要为分离器分离产生的,其主要含有CO2、NOx 和CH3ONO,其它物质如(CH3)2SO4、CH3NO2、CH3OH、NO含量很低。如何对工艺运行过程中产生的废气进行有效的处置,防止其对员工身体健康造成不利影响是本工艺的目的。经分析后,拟采用氨-碱溶液两级吸法对硝基甲烷制备过程中产生的废气进行处理。




Nitrocarbol is an important industrial raw material,and also it is a versatile organic chemical products.Nitrocarbol is a colorless oily liquid under normal conditions with a pungent odor.It is miscible with most organic compounds, soluble in ethanol, ether and other organic compounds, partly immiscible with water. Nitrocarbol generally used for synthesis of nitro alcohol, pesticide chloropicrin etc., it is also a kind of high performance liquid explosives, for fuel additives, can significantly improve the combustion of the fuel combustion value and reduce the amount of pollutants generated.

However, there is a large amount of harmful waste gas produced in the process of preparing nitrocarbol by using nitrocarbol and sodium nitrite.The exhaust gases are mainly produced by separation of the separator.Its main contain CO2, NOx and CH3ONO, other substances such as (CH3) 2SO4, CH3NO2, CH3OH, NO content is very low.How to effectively dispose of the waste gas produced in the process operation, and prevent the adverse effects on the health of employees is the purpose of this process.After analysis, the ammonia alkali solution of two adsorption of nitromethane preparation produces in the process of waste handling.

Ammonia alkali solution two-stage absorption method using ammonia and exhaust gas containing nitrogen oxide reaction, no into NO2, again using Na2CO3 alkali absorption to removal of NO2, achieve the purpose of purifying flue gas, treatment of absorption liquid flows through the circulation channel for recycling until saturation of crystallization treatment, nitrate and nitrite crystal.

Key words:nitrocarbol; ammonia alkali solution;denitrification process; absorbing tower

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 硝基甲烷性质与特点 1

1.2 硝基甲烷制备方法 1

1.3 设计的目的及意义 2

第2章 工艺路线确定及选择依据 3

2.1 确定废气处理工艺的原则和要求 3

2.2项目概况 3

2.2.1 污染源分析 3

2.2.2 设计依据及标准 4

2.3 硝基甲烷主要污染物的特征 4

2.3.1 氮氧化物的特征 4

2.3.2 亚硝酸甲酯的特征 5

2.4 废气处理工艺分析及比选 5

2.5 废气处理构筑物的选择 6

2.5.1 集气罩 6

2.5.2 填料塔 6

2.5.3 吸风系统 7

2.5.4 换热器 7

2.5.5 烟囱 7

第3章 设计计算 8

3.1 集气罩设计计算 8

3.2 填料塔尺寸计算 8

3.2.1 填料塔直径计算 8

3.2.2 填料层高度计算 9

3.3 固液分离装置 12

3.4 气液分离器 13

3.5 换热器 14

3.6 烟囱 14

第4章 废气处理站总体布置 16

4.1 管道设计 16

4.1.1 管道布设要求 16

4.1.2 水管的布设 16

4.2 平面布置及总平面图 16

4.3 废气处理站的高程布置 16

4.4 废气处理站高程计算表 17

第5章 工程预算 18

5.1 废气处理站工程建设预算 18

5.2 运行管理机制及运行费用 19

5.2.1 管理机制及人员编制 19

5.2.2 运行费用预算 20

第6章 效益分析 22

6.1 环境效益 22

6.2 社会效益 22

6.3 经济效益 22

第7章 结论 23

参考文献 24

致 谢 25


1.1 硝基甲烷性质与特点



1.2 硝基甲烷制备方法


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