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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 环境科学 > 正文


 2021-05-06 12:54:29  

摘 要







Since the beginning of the opening up policy,the living standard of the peasants has been improved, and the amount of the water in the rural areas has been increasing, and the discharge of sewage has been increasing too. And the rural domestic sewage has the characteristics of small sewage flow, large fluctuation of water quantity, single water quality and so on.

This graduation design is the preliminary design of a rural 200t / d sewage treatment process, through the comparison of several optional process, combining with the characteristic of water quality and treatment requirements. The final design to determine selection of anaerobic pond Waterfall Aeration Contact Oxidation Pond - constructed wetland - oxidation pond process for Rural Wastewater Treatment.

The vertical flow constructed wetland system with multilevel, two-layer drop aeration is an appropriate alternative for rural wastewater treatment especially in mountain areas, with numerous advantages of low capital and operation costs, no energy consumption, easy maintenance, high hydraulic loading rate, high pollutant removal efficiency, and no clogging. Sewage go through the grid into the regulation pool to be stable in quality and quantity, then flows to anaerobic pool, and then into the Waterfall Aeration Contact Oxidation pond. Finally, it flows into the vertical flow constructed wetlands to remove ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus and organic matter. The effluent can reach level 1 B of the town sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard (GB18918-2002).

This paper is consisted of design specifications and design calculation which explains and calculates the main technology and process structures in detail. Plane layout and elevation layout of the sewage treatment station is completed, and the simple budget of the whole project is carried on.

Key Words:Rural sewage;Drop aeration;The vertical flow constructed wetland


第1章 概述 1

1.1 农村污水处理现状 1

1.2 农村污水处理工艺 1

1.3 设计目的和内容 2

第2章 工艺的确定及选择依据 3

2.1 处理程度 3

2.2 设计原则 3

2.3 污水处理工艺比选 3

2.4 污泥处理 5

2.5 构筑物的选择 6

2.5.1 格栅 6

2.5.2 调节池 6

2.5.3 厌氧池 6

2.5.4 跌水充氧接触氧化池 6

2.5.5人工湿地 8

2.5.6 氧化塘 10

第3章 设计计算 11

3.1 构筑物计算 11

3.1.1 格栅 11

3.1.2 调节池 11

3.1.3 厌氧池 11

3.1.4 接触氧化池 12

3.1.5 人工湿地 12

3.1.6 氧化塘 13

3.2 污水厂构筑物总汇 14

3.3 高程计算 15

3.3.1 水头损失估算依据 15

3.3.2 水头损失计算表 15

3.3.3 污水处理站高程计算 16

第4章 工程概算 17

4.1 设计概算的编制原则和依据 17

4.2 污水站工程概算 17

4.2.1 工程费用 17

4.2.2 运营成本费用 18

4.2.3 污水站工程概算 18

总 结 20

参考文献 21

致 谢 23

第1章 概述

1.1 农村污水处理现状



1.2 农村污水处理工艺


  1. 人工湿地

人工湿地是一种人工建造地面,它优点像沼泽,依靠生态系统自然的自净作用,通过的化学、物理以及生物协同作用处理污水,达到净化的目的。人工湿地有一定的长和宽的比例,并且底部是洼地,且有一定的坡度,还有填料床,它由不同的填料混合而成,废水可以在填料之间的空隙间流动,或可以在床体的表面流动。还要填料床上面栽种生长周期长、处理能力强、抗水能力强并同时具有经济性和观赏性的水生植物(如风车草、水芹等),形成一个独特的生态环境,以达到对污水进行处理,净化废水以及改善生态环境的目的。人工湿地系统对污水回用的影响如下:效率高、投资费用少、运行费不多、处理量灵活、处理效果理想等优点。人工湿地是参照自然湿地的结构和功能设计而成的一种复合型结构,污水经生物、物理和化学的联合作用得到净化。人工湿地分为垂直流型, 表面流型和潜流型 [6]


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