2021-04-24 20:28:32
摘 要
- 以钨酸,辛酸亚锡,氨水和丙三醇作为原料制备了Sn/W复合金属氧化物催化剂,在H2O2和乙酸间接氧化环己酮合成ε-己内酯的工艺体系中,对催化剂的载体和负载方式进行了对比和评价,其中活性氧化铝作为载体,使用超声浸渍制备的催化剂拥有较好的催化效果。
- 以反应转化率和产品选择性为评价标准,对镁锡钨复合金属氧化物催化剂,钨单一金属氧化物催化剂和Sn/W复合金属氧化物催化剂三种催化剂进行了评价,结果表明使用以钨酸和氨水作为原料制备的钨单一金属氧化物催化剂时,环己酮的转化率和ε-己内酯的选择性分别为57.0%和27.3%,具有最好的催化效果。通过正交实验初步将负载的最佳条件确定为钨酸用量10g,氨水用量30ml,超声浸渍30min和煅烧温度400℃。通过单因素实验对超声浸渍时长和氨水用量进行进一步优化,结果表明,当负载条件为钨酸用量15g,氨水用量30ml,超声浸渍40min和煅烧温度400℃时,制备的催化剂拥有最好的催化效果,环己酮的转化率和ε-己内酯的选择性分别达到38.3%和68.6%。
- 通过对催化剂的失活和再生进行了研究,结果表明,新鲜催化剂经过三次使用之后催化活性有了严重下降,失活后催化剂的再生条件为400℃煅烧3h,环己酮的转化率和ε-己内酯的选择性分别达到31.9%和28.8%。
As an important chemical raw material, ε-caprolactone can be used as a very useful chemical intermediate. It is widely used in the synthesis of polycaprolactone (PCL) and modified starch. Therefore, ε-caprolactone is synthesized. Production research is of great significance. In this paper, metal oxides suitable for the synthesis of ε-caprolactone from indirect oxidation of cyclohexanone with acetic acid and H2O2 are prepared as high-efficiency catalysts. The catalyst carrier and loading methods are screened, the loading conditions are optimized, and the way to regenerate the catalyst is being explored.
- Sn/W composite metal oxide catalyst was prepared using tungstic acid, stannous octoate, ammonia and glycerol as raw materials, and a catalyst carrier for the synthesis of ε-caprolactone from indirect oxidation of cyclohexanone with acetic acid and H2O2. Comparing and evaluating several carriers and loading methods using activated alumina as carrier, it turns out that activated alumina and ultrasonic impregnation are better.
- Based on the reaction conversion rate and product selectivity, Sn/W composite metal oxide catalyst,Mg/Sn/W composite metal oxide catalyst and tungsten single metal oxide catalyst were evaluated. The results show that the conversion rate of cyclohexanone and selective of ε-caprolactone are the best when using tungsten single metal oxide catalyst prepared with tungstic acid and ammonia as raw materials.Using this catalyst, the conversion rate of cyclohexanone and selective of ε-caprolactone reached 57.0% and 27.3%,respectively. The optimum conditions of the load were initially determined by orthogonal experiments as follows: tungstic acid dosage 10 g, ammonia water dosage 30 ml, ultrasonic impregnation for 30 min and calcination temperature 400℃. The single-factor experiment was used to optimize the duration of ultrasonic impregnation and the amount of ammonia water. The results showed that when the loading conditions were: tungstic acid 15 g, ammonia 30 ml, ultrasonic impregnation 40 min and calcination temperature 400℃, the prepared catalyst had the best catalytic effect. The conversion of cyclohexanone and the selective of ε-caprolactone reached 38.3% and 68.6%, respectively.
- The deactivation and regeneration of the catalyst were explored. The results showed that the catalytic activity of the fresh catalyst was severely reduced after three times of use. After the deactivation, the catalyst was regenerated at 400 ℃ for 3h, and the conversion of cyclohexanone and the selective of ε-caprolactone reached 31.9% and 28.8%, respectively.
Key words: ε-caprolactone; catalyst carrier; load condition
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 ε-己内酯概况 1
1.1.1 ε-己内酯物理性质 1
1.1.2 ε-己内酯化学性质 1
1.1.3 ε-己内酯的应用 1
1.2 ε-己内酯的合成概况 2
1.2.1 ε-己内酯合成法 2
1.2.2 合成ε-己内酯的原料 3
1.3 用于合成ε-己内酯的催化剂 3
1.4 催化剂的几种表征手段 4
1.5 催化剂载体概况 4
1.6 催化剂负载方式概况 5
1.7 研究内容及立题依据 5
1.7.1 研究内容 5
1.7.2 立题依据 6
第2章 催化剂载体及负载方式选择 7
2.1 试剂与仪器 7
2.1.1 实验试剂 7
2.1.2 实验仪器设备 7
2.2 负载对比实验 7
2.2.1 机械搅拌浸渍 8
2.2.2 超声浸渍 8
2.3 BET测试 9
2.3 数据分析 10
2.4 本章小结 10
第3章 负载条件的选择与优化 11
3.1 试剂与仪器 11
3.1.1 实验试剂 11
3.1.2 实验仪器 11
3.2 催化剂负载实验 12
3.2.1 催化剂配制 12
3.2.2 负载对比实验 12
3.2.3 负载实验数据分析 12
3.3 正交实验 13
3.3.1 正交实验的设计 13
3.3.2 正交实验操作 13
3.3.3 评价工作 14
3.3.4 数据分析 15
3.3.5 最佳负载条件选择 16
3.4 负载后的表征 17
3.4.1 BET 17
3.4.2 XRD 18
3.5 合适负载条件的细化探索 18
3.5.1 超声浸渍时间影响探究 18
3.5.2 氨水用量影响探究 19
3.5 本章小结 20
第4章 催化剂再生性能探究 21
4.1 试剂与仪器 21
4.1.1 实验试剂 21
4.1.2 实验仪器设备 21
4.2 催化剂失活 21
4.3 催化剂再生 22
4.4 本章小结 23
第5章 结论与展望 24
5.1 结论 24
5.2 展望 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 27
第1章 绪论
1.1 ε-己内酯概况
1.1.1 ε-己内酯物理性质
1.1.2 ε-己内酯化学性质
图1.1 ε-己内酯结构式
1.1.3 ε-己内酯的应用
而从聚己内酯的结构上来分析,其分子链中存在着可以自由旋转的C-C 键和C-O键,因此拥有良好的可加工性和柔韧性,从而能够进行注塑、吹膜、挤出、拉丝等[4]。同时聚己内酯因其拥有的极性酯基而生物性能良好,这也是聚己内酯大量应用于生物医学工程方面的原因[2]。另外,由于柔性和重复结构赋予聚己内酯的形状记忆性[5],以及具有较好的生物相容性和较慢的降解速率,聚己内酯作为与骨相连的软组织的缝合线和控制药物释放的载体的相关研究已经应用于临床医学[6,7]。
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