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 2021-04-21 00:39:45  

摘 要


本文简单的介绍了一个基于区块链的无中心的可信数据交易平台,并对其相关技术进行研究,包括区块链相关技术和构建分布式安全数据交易网络的相关技术。区块链相关技术主要有分布式账本技术、各种加密技术和共识机制,构建分布式安全数据交易网络的相关技术主要有Merkle Tree技术、DHT技术、NAT穿越技术和BitTorrent技术。本平台为数据交易双方提供了一个可信的交易环境,交易双方都可匿名且数据传输不经过任何第三方,还提供一定程度上的数据确权功能,同时,为了满足用户数据共享的需求并减轻本地存储数据的压力,平台还实现了数据的分布式存放。此外,平台还提供投诉、反馈等辅助性功能。本文还简单阐述了个人现阶段在平台实现过程中的微小贡献(一些前端界面的实现),感觉收获良多。



With the development and application of the Internet going deeper, Big Data has become the engine of an innovative economy, and products and services are constantly being innovative. The Internet big data industry is gradually entering and changing people's lives. We have entered the era of big data. In the era of big data, data transaction and circulation become an important means of realizing value, but in the traditional data exchange market, they are all realized through an intermediary platform. Buyers must purchase a piece of data. From the data source to the trading center to the seller, the data must pass through. The conversion of the server of the centralized exchange, and the geese have left behind traces, during this process, the data being traded will be buffered by the central exchange to form “data precipitation”, which will have a certain amount of interest for the owner of the data. The threats, in addition, there are data rights and security issues in the data transaction process. The emergence of blockchain technology solves these problems and creates a trusted data transaction environment.

This article briefly introduces a blockchain-based, centerless, trusted data transaction platform and studies its related technologies, including blockchain related technologies and related technologies for constructing distributed secure data transmission networks. Blockchain related technologies mainly include distributed ledger technology, various encryption technologies and consensus mechanisms, and related technologies for constructing distributed secure data transmission networks include Merkle Tree technology, DHT technology, NAT traversal technology, and BitTorrent technology. This platform provides a credible transaction environment for both parties of data transactions. Both parties can communicate anonymously and the data transmission does not pass through any third party. It also provides a certain degree of data validation function. At the same time, in order to meet the needs of user data sharing, Relieving the pressure of storing data locally, the platform also enables distributed storage of data. In addition, the platform also provides supplementary functions such as complaints and feedback. This article also briefly explained the personal contribution of the individual at the current stage of platform implementation (some front-end interface implementations) and felt a lot.

Keywords: blockchain; data transaction; distributed storage network;peer to peer

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 研究发展现状 2

1.3 本文的研究目标和内容 2

1.4 论文结构 3

第2章 区块链和相关技术概述 4

2.1 区块链 4

2.1.1 区块与区块链 5

2.1.2 区块链的分类 6

2.1.3 区块链的应用场景 6

2.2 非对称加密 7

2.3 分布式账本 9

2.4 共识机制 9

2.5 智能合约 10

第3章 无中心的可信数据交易平台 11

3.1 现有数据交易平台设计方案 11

3.2 无中心的可信数据交易平台的核心技术 12

3.2.1 加密技术 12

3.2.2 Merkele Tree 13

3.2.3 DHT技术 14

3.2.4 BitTorrent技术 15

3.2.5 NAT穿越技术 16

3.2.6 共识机制——Raft协议 17

3.3 无中心的可信数据交易平台总体架构 18

3.4 无中心的可信数据交易平台数据交易流程 20

第4章 无中心的可信数据交易平台的实现 23

4.1 登录、注册界面的实现 24

4.2 数据管理页面的实现 26

第5章 结束语 31

5.1 论文工作总结 31

5.2 问题和展望 31

参考文献 32

致 谢 33

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义



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