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 2021-04-21 00:18:14  

摘 要


在本文中主要对玻璃 的折射率温度特性公式进行了理论推导,并由此得出水的折射率温度特性公式。然后借助Origin分别对玻璃以及水的折射率温度特性进行仿真,仿真结果表示的玻璃和水的折射率随温度变化而发生的改变。在实验部分,由于仪器限制(WYA-2S数字阿贝折光仪的折射率测量范围为1.300-1.7000,恒温水箱的温度范围为-5℃-100℃),仅对玻璃和水进行了部分温度下折射率的测量。最后还将实验数据拟合成曲线分别和仿真结果进行了比较。





Optical optical materials, optical discs, optical fibers, nonlinear optical elements, liquid crystal displays, light-emitting diodes, and other optoelectronic fields have wide applications in optically transparent materials. In high-precision optical systems, the change of refractive index of an optically transparent material with temperature is often one of the important factors that cause experimental errors.

In this paper, the formula of refractive index temperature characteristic of crystal (glass) is mainly deduced theoretically, and the temperature characteristic formula of refractive index of water is obtained. Then, the temperature and refractive index temperature characteristics of glass and water were simulated by Origin, respectively. The simulation results showed that the refractive indices of glass and water changed with temperature changes. In the experimental part, due to instrument limitation (the refractive index measurement range of WYA-2S digital Abbe refractometer is 1.300-1.7000, the temperature range of the thermostatic water tank is -5°C-100°C), only glass and water are subjected to partial temperature Refractive index measurement. Finally, the experimental data were fitted into curves and compared with the simulation results.

By theoretical simulation and experimental data fitting, the refractive index of glass and water is proportional to the change of temperature. The refractive index temperature characteristics of the two materials can be simply written:. Among them, the refractive index of the material, which is the refractive index of the material at a certain temperature, is a constant and is a temperature. The curves obtained from the test data and the theoretical simulation curves basically coincide.

This article features innovation: first find the relationship between refractive index and wavelength of the material, and then derive the relationship between wavelength and temperature, and finally get the relationship between refractive index and temperature.

Key Words:Transparent optical material; Abbe refractometer; constant temperature water tank; refractive index; temperature characteristic

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 目的及意义 1

1.2 背景及现状 1

1.3 主要内容及章节安排 2

第2章 基本原理 4

2.1 材料的折射率 4

2.2 光的色散定律 4

2.3 热辐射定律 4

2.4 折射率温度特性公式理论推导 5

2.4.1 玻璃折射率温度特性公式理论推导 5

2.4.2 水折射率温度特性公式理论推导 8

2.5 小结 9

第3章 理论推导公式ORIGIN仿真 10

3.1 ORIGIN软件绘图简单介绍 10

3.2 玻璃的折射率温度特性理论公式仿真 10

3.3 水的折射率温度特性理论公式仿真 11

3.4 小结 11

第4章 实验测量 13

4.1 WYA-2S数字阿贝折光仪 13

4.2 低温恒温槽 14

4.3 试验测量和数据拟合 15

4.4 小结 18

第5章 理论仿真和试验拟合分析 19

5.1 玻璃的理论仿真和试验拟合对比分析 19

5.2 水的理论仿真和试验拟合对比分析 20

5.3 小结 20

第6章 结论 21

参考文献 22

致 谢 23

第1章 绪论



随着光电子技术的发展,光学透明材料在其中的地位也越发重要,光学透明材料的研究是光电子技术中不可或缺的一部分。光学透明材料由于和光电子技术的发展有着不可分割的关系,已经成为一种具有研究意义的材料。它在很多光学领域都有着重要的应用,它的良好的透光性被用在各种光学镜头上;它的改变光传播方向的特性,被用在各种光学系统种;它的良好抗腐蚀性被用在各种液体容器上。折射率是光学材料的重要参数之一,对光学系统的质量有很大的影响,特别是在一些要求比较高的光学系统中, 材料折射率一点点的偏差都可能导致最后结果很大的偏差,而透明光学材料的折射率经常受温度的影响发生改变,因此研究透明光学材料的温度特性具有重要意义。与其它材料相比,光学透明材料在工业应用以及实验应用方面具有很多的好处。首先它具有良好的透光性(光从光学透明材料中传播后能量损耗较小)、其次它的光学性质随温度变化不明显(但在一些高精度系统中依旧要求其具有良好的温度特性)、还有就是光学透明材料它不易受腐蚀具有良好的化学性质(经常被用作一些强腐蚀性化学溶液)的容器。


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