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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 文学教育类 > 广告学 > 正文


 2021-04-19 00:47:37  

摘 要






Since Tencent proposed the concept of "Pan-entertainment" in 2011, and actively promoted the establishment of the ecological circle of the pan-entertainment industry development. Under the premise of the Internet and mobile Internet technology, an excellent IP with cross fields and cross platforms was being built. Based the core of the network literature, The ecological economic circle of entertainment which included network literature, animation, film and television, games and derivatives was gradually forming. At present, the development of the pan-entertainment industry is Blue Sea, and a large number of capital inflows. Since 2014, a large number of IP adaptation works have been born, forming the situation of upsurge in the domestic IP market.

In this paper, I research on the current domestic market comparison of several typical IP operation mode using literature analysis, comparative analysis and other researching methods. And contrasting overseas development relatively mature pattern like Disney's and Hollywood's IP operation pattern. in the domestic IP Market, now we are facing adverse conditions, for example, the inferior quality of the adapted works, single development of industry, and the serious tort. and puts forward the corresponding solutions and strategies, such as laying emphasis on IP stories and feelings and the whole industry chain operations, strengthen the network literature self-confidence, etc., in order to provide reference for the development of domestic IP market.

The first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the background and purpose of the study, the definition of the related concepts, the main methods to analyze. The second chapter briefly expounds the resources status of the pan-entertainment industry from the aspects of network literature, animation, film and television, and games. The third chapter sums up several existing IP operating pattern in combination with works, such as the overall chain operation, the linked operation of film and television and game , regurgitation-feeding IP works by film and television. The fourth chapter analyses the mature operation pattern of Hollywood and Disney. The fifth chapter analyzes the problems and difficulties of domestic IP market. According to the status of our country and the outstanding cases of foreign countries, we put forward a series of solutions and strategies for IP operation in the sixth chapter. The seventh chapter is the conclusion.

Key words: Pan-entertainment Industry; IP; IP Operation; the Whole Industry Chain Operation

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究的背景和目的 1

1.1.1泛娱乐产业发展现状 1

1.1.2IP发展的机遇与困难 1

1.1.3研究目的 1

1.2相关概念的界定与分析 1

1.2.1泛娱乐产业 1

1.2.2IP 2

1.2.3IP运营 2

1.3主要研究内容及方法 2

1.4相关文献综述 2

1.4.1IP运营 2

1.4.2国外相关文献综述 4

第2章 泛娱乐化产业的资源现状 5

2.1网络文学 5

2.1.1网络文学资源丰富,种类多样,粉丝基础雄厚 5

2.1.2网络文学资源面临的问题 5

2.2影视 5

2.3游戏和动漫 6

第3章 国内IP运营模式分析 7

3.1以网络文学原创IP为核心,制定全方位的链生产运营计划 7

3.2以优质网络文学IP为核心,单向或联动进行影视、动画或游戏运营 7

3.3出版社对原创性著作进行影视投资,并反哺IP的运营模式 9

第4章 国外优秀案例借鉴 10

4.1好莱坞模式 10

4.1.2好莱坞的运营模式 10

4.2迪士尼模式 12

第5章 对比分析我国IP运营发展存在的问题 13

5.1IP热潮引发的盲目投资 13

5.2改编作品质量走低 13

5.3产业发展单一,周边产品欠缺 13

5.4知识产权保护欠缺 14

5.5冲击影视生态发展 14

第6章IP运营发展的建议 15

6.1沉淀优质内容 15

6.1.1将IP改编的重心放在故事本身上,注重感性,而不是粉丝、变现、流量 15

6.1.2增强文学自信 15

6.1.3打造精品 15

6.2周边衍生产品的开发 15

6.2.1著作权授权 16

6.2.2开发主题乐园 16

6.2.3跨行业联合运营 16

6.3进行全产业链经营 16

6.3.1专业化的团队 16

6.3.2做好粉丝营销 16

6.3.3各个环节相互联动发展 16

6.4版权保护 17

6.4.1完善我国的知识产权法律法规体系 17

6.4.2严肃治理网络环境 17

6.4.3付费观看 17

第7章 结语 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 20

第1章 绪论













IP是Intellectual Property (Right)的缩写,即知识产权,是人们在一段时间内对其脑力劳动拥有的专有权利,包括著作权、专利权、商标权。在泛娱乐产业中,IP主要指网络文学、影视、动漫、游戏等原创性作品的版权,IP的形式多样,可以是文案、图画,也可以是人物角色,立体形象等。





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