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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文


 2021-04-19 00:29:41  

摘 要







At present, there has been a fast and accurate automatic focusing algorithm to reali-ze the automatic focusing process of scanning electron microscopy in the automatic foc-using field of scanning electron microscopy at home and abroad, but the common autom-atic focusing algorithm based on scanning electron microscope has the defects of long f-ocusing time and low focusing accuracy.

In view of the above situation ,an automatic focusing algorithm designed in this t-hesis aims to accelerate the focusing process in the large-scale section electron microsco-py images of biological sequences through the automatic focus algorithm and to reduce the amount of energy that researchers in the biology field expend on focusing on the sa-mple and to realize the automatic focusing.

In the actual algorithm design process, considering that the scanning electron micros-cope (SEM) automatic focusing technology is sensitive to noise and has a large amount of calculation which would affect the accuracy and real-time performance of SEM auto-matic focusing. This thesis puts forward a kind of automatic focusing technology based on SEM images. This technique describes the focus state by combining the Gaussian g-ray difference and the Sobel operator based on the gradient function which involves the dynamic image acquisition, the establishment of the memory mapped file, to store and read the MMF, image noise reduction and restoration, evaluation function selection, fittin-g method to select the image evaluation and dynamic precise and specific links such as the implementation of the focus. The computation is r-educed effectively, and the real ti-me of focus is guaranteed.

The automatic focusing algorithm according to the above design objective and desig-n method can achieve better autofocusing effect by invoking the API on the SEM which fully meets the design requirements of fast and precise automatic focusing of SEM.

Keywords: SEM , Autofocusing , Evaluation function , Fitting algorithm

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1背景介绍 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3研究内容和预期目标 3

第2章 扫描电镜结构和工作原理 4

2.1 SEM结构与成像原理 4

2.2 SEM的使用优势 5

2.3 SEM成像质量影响因素 5

第3章 自动聚焦算法框架 7

3.1 自动聚焦算法分析 7

3.2方案比较与确定 8

3.4自动聚焦软件架构 9

3.4.1自动聚焦算法步骤 9

3.4.2动态聚焦工作流程 10

3.4.3软件平台设计 11

第4章 降噪算法的设计 12

4.1 均值滤波 12

4.2中值滤波 12

4.3高斯滤波 13

4.4 滤波算法选用 14

第5章 自动聚焦清晰度评价 16

5.1梯度法 16

5.1.1 Canny边缘检测算子 16

5.1.2 Laplace算子 17

5.1.3 Sobel算子 18

5.2频域法 19

5.3灰度差分法 21

5.3.1基于中值滤波的灰度差分法 21

5.3.2基于高斯滤波的灰度差分法 22

5.3.3噪声的二次消除 24图像卷积运算函数filter2D 24阈值处理 24

5.4差分法与梯度法结合 26

第6章 最大锐度搜索算法 28

6.1自适应步长的登山搜索法 28

6.2模拟退火算法 29

6.3遗传算法 29

6.3.1遗传算法原理 29

6.3.2遗传算法步骤 30

6.3.3遗传算法的应用价值分析 31

6.4基于最小二乘多项式拟合法 32

6.4.1基于最小二乘法多项式曲线拟合原理 32

6.4.2基于最小二乘多项式拟合函数选择 33 基于OpenCV的Solve函数 33 Solve函数与自行编写二项式拟合函数效果比较 34

6.4.3 基于最小二乘二项式拟合算法的改进 36

第7章 基于API的自动聚焦软件平台设计 37

7.1内存映射文件 37

7.1.1内存映射文件概述 37

7.1.2内存映射文件的用法与优势 37

7.2动态自适应聚焦 39

7.3多线程的委托与调用 40

7.4 API接口的调用 41

第8章 SEM自动聚焦软件平台实验 42

8.1 SEM自动聚焦软件平台功能说明 42

8.2 不同尺度和分辨率下聚焦效果验证 44

8.2.1 同分辨率不同尺度下的聚焦效果分析 44

8.2.2同尺度不同分辨率下的聚焦效果分析 46

8.3 实验结果分析 48

第9章 总结与展望 49

参考文献 50

附 录 51

致 谢 52

第1章 绪论



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