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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-04-08 00:49:44  

摘 要








So far, remarkable achievements have been made in the construction of bridges in our country, with about 800,000 bridges in service and 45.92 million linear meters. In addition, due to the progress of the times, China's transportation industry has developed rapidly, and the traffic load has further increased on the basis of the previous, making a large number of in-service bridge structures (the so-called old bridges) entering the aging period embarrassing their negative effects. In addition, at that time, due to the vague standard of bridge construction materials and the lower design grade of bridge load, as well as with the growth of bridge age, a large part of bridges suffered various degrees of damage and showed an increasing trend, so the improvement of some important bridge grades was urgent, especially for the bridges on the national highway, which needed to be upgraded urgently (for example, from steam -20 to highway grade I). Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the bearing capacity of old bridges. Taking Youshengdu Bridge (old bridge) in Fujian Province as an example, this paper discusses the influence of concrete nondestructive testing on the evaluation of old bridge bearing capacity.

(1) The development history of the bearing capacity of old bridges at home and abroad has been elaborated , and the results of relevant bridge inspection at home and abroad, as well as the main methods of bridge evaluation have been introduced in this paper.

(2) With the combination of project of Youshengdu Bridge ,the finite element analysis model of concrete bridge is established by MIDAS finite element software to analyze its stress characteristics, including the calculation of vertical displacement and internal force of the main girder during the completion phase, and the mechanical characteristics of the structure are discussed.

(3) Targeted external appearance and non-destructive testing work were carried out for Youshengdu Bridge, and its evaluation and analysis were carried out.

(4) The load test scheme of Youshengdu Bridge was established, and the field test was carried out. The bearing capacity of the bridge was evaluated through the results of various indexes of the load test.

Key Words:Load test, nondestructive testing, bridge bearing capacity evaluation, bearing capacity calculation coefficient


第一章绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2研究现状 2

1.2.1桥梁承载能力的基本评估方法 3

1.2.2桥梁检测的内容 4

1.2.3本文研究内容 5

第二章桥梁检测方法 6

2.1检测目的 6

2.2桥梁缺损情况检测以及检测方法 6

2.2.1公路桥梁分类 6

2.2.2公路桥梁检测内容 7

2.2.3桥梁构件和部件技术状况评分 7

2.2.4构件技术状况评分说明 8

第三章桥梁检测过程 10

3.1工程概况 10

3.2检测仪器 11

3.3外观检测过程 11

3.4无损检测过程 13

3.5荷载试验检测过程 13

3.5.1静载试验 13

3.5.2动载试验 19

第四章游绳渡大桥检测 21

4.1右幅检测结果 21

4.1.1桥面系检测结果 22

4.1.2上部结构检测结果 24

4.1.3下部结构检测结果 27

4.2无损检测结果 28

4.2.1全桥的技术状况评定结果 28

4.2.2左幅 30

4.2.3混凝土强度检测结果 30

4.2.4钢筋锈蚀电位检测 31

4.2.5钢筋保护层厚度检测 31

4.2.6混凝土碳化深度检测 31

4.3荷载试验结果 34

4.3.1静载试验结果 34

4.3.2静载结果评定 46

4.3.3动载试验结果 48

4.4桥梁检算 52

4.4.1检算原则 52

4.4.2相关参数确定 52

4.4.3分析方法 53

4.5验算 53

4.5.1计算受压区高度 53

4.5.2正截面抗弯承载力计算表 54

4.5.2桥梁评定结果 55

第五章总结 56

参考文献: 57

致谢: 58




经调查发现,世界在役的桥梁中大部分是混凝土桥梁。据21世纪初的数据证明,欧洲的混凝土桥梁数量大约占十之七八,美国的混凝土桥梁的比例与欧洲类似,同时我国的桥梁每十座都有九座以上的混凝土桥梁。如今由于桥梁部分受损再加上所承载的交通量不断加大,我国的混凝土桥梁不断出现破坏情况和发生事故,而这种情势并且还在恶化,并且相对而言混凝土更易的比钢材破坏故混凝土桥损坏的比例远大于钢桥,例如结构表面的混凝土剥蚀,裂缝,混凝土碳化,铺装破损,支座的破坏。桥梁的病害会直接影响交通的正常运行,再加上直接拆除重修难度较大花费较高。另外如果较小的病害不及时处理,最终会给危及桥梁的自身寿命并且给人民群众带来生命安全的威胁。因此对桥梁的混凝土承载能力的评定,成为了 我国桥梁事业发展的重中之重。本文所阐述的方法是对旧桥进行常规的检测,以及为桥梁承载能力而进行的荷载试验(静动载试验)与理论建模结合的实践与理论结合的方法,可能会对旧桥的承载能力的评估有一定的作用[2]

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