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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2021-03-29 21:57:27  

摘 要

Abstract 2

1 绪论 3

1.1引言 3

1.2冷弯机的研究背景及意义 4

2 国内外研究的现状及发展动态 6

2.1冷弯薄壁型钢近现代研究发展 6

2.2冷弯薄壁型钢国内外发展现状 6

3 14076A型冷弯机冲压头的从体设计方案 7

3.1 冲压头设计需求 7

3.2 冲压头工序结构设计 7

4 冲裁间隙 8

4.1 间隙的影响 8

4.1.1 对冲裁质量的影响 8

4.1.2 对模具寿命的影响 10

4.1.3 对冲裁力的影响 10

4.2 间隙的确定 10

4.3 计算冲裁间隙 12

5 冲模刃口尺寸的计算 14

5.1 冲模刃口尺寸计算方法 14

5.2 计算冲模刃口尺寸 15

6 冲裁力和冲裁功 19

6.1 冲裁力的计算 19

6.2 冲裁功 21

6.2.1 平刃冲裁功 21

6.2.2斜刃冲裁功 22

6.3 压力中心 23

7 侧孔拉深 24

7.1 拉深件的工艺性 24

7.2 拉深模的凸、凹模间隙确定 24

7.3 拉深模工作部分尺寸的确定 25

8 机架的设计 28

8.1 机架的设计要求 28

8.2 机架材料的选择 28

8.3 本设计机架的结构和主要尺寸 28

9 总结 29

9.1 论文总结 29

9.2 工作总结 30

参考文献 32

致 谢 33

摘 要





关键词: C型钢 冲裁间隙 刃口尺寸 斜刃冲裁


With the people's attention to the environment, in the global advocacy of low-carbon economy in the context of the development of green and energy-saving building footsteps is unstoppable Cold-formed steel because of its light, environmental protection and other advantages of the current construction industry to develop low-carbon green energy-saving building the most ideal material.

Cold-formed steel from steel coil processing into a qualified steel products to go through the rewinder open-book, roll forming and punching head processing steps. This article mainly for 140C steel stamping head structure design description.

14076A type cold-formed machine finished product specifications for the 140mm C-shaped steel, in the stamping head structure has six processes, namely flattening, correction, red side hole, vertical punch square hole, vertical cut and vertical punching hole. In the red side of the hole while the surrounding hole around the structure of the deep drawing.

This article refers to a large number of stamping die related information focused on the blanking gap and the process of convex and concave die edge size calculation. As the punch itself is only after the roll molding C-shaped steel for auxiliary processing, itself is not a standard mold, but the cold-formed steel in the domestic high-speed development is only ten years time, the relevant literature is not much, Can only refer to the structure of similar stamping information design.

Key words: C - shaped steel blanking gap cutting edge size cutting blade blanking

1 绪论


C型钢是指薄钢带经过辊压成型、冷冲压成型等冷加工方式制成的C型截面的型钢。由于加工成型简单,C型钢的截面形状和形式可以千变万化,以适应各种不同使用情况下的各种需求。除C型钢外,更有Z型钢、U型钢、带钢、等各种截面形式,截面形式入图1-1所示 。

图1-1 常用冷弯薄壁钢截面形式



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