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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文

二连浩特至河口公路山西段(K55 000~K60 000)施工图设计毕业论文

 2021-03-26 22:34:29  

摘 要








The subject of this graduation design is a newly-built road from Erlianhaote to Hekou in the Shanxi province. According to the given traffic volume,the road is defined as a secondary road. The road design range from saction K55 000 to K60 000, the total length is 5000m, two-lane two-way, and design speed is 60km/h.

Design tasks include the graphic design of the route-section, longitudinal-section design, cross-section design, retaining wall and slope protection design, roadbed drainage design, bridge and culvert structural design, pavement structure design and program selection work.The cross-sectional design includes longitudinal section slope, slope length design and vertical curve design and elevation calculation. The cross-sectional design includes roadbed design and earthwork moving, and so on.

The design of the graphic design, profile design, cross-sectional design are completed two programs, and through the two programs of the technical indicators for program selection; slope protection design is also designed in two forms, respectively, for the grass The bridge design is only given the bridge type, bridge length and span size, culvert design of the three structural forms, respectively, for the cover plate culverts, pipe culverts and box culverts to meet the needs of road horizontal drainage and traffic; pavement design of the two, respectively, asphalt concrete pavement and cement concrete pavement in order to get the best road structure program.

This design details the calculation of the flat curve of the elements and the absolute coordinates of main station points , 100-meter poins, the vertical curve of the elements, the retaining wall of the inspection indicators, asphalt and cement pavement structure of the indicators.

The design charts include the general layout of the route, the route plan, the route profile, the road map, the straight line, the curve and the angle table, the road pile table, the subgrade standard cross section, the general design of the roadbed, the design of the cross-section roadbed, the design of reinforcement (support) and protection engineering, pavement structure, roadbed drainage system layout, roadbed design table, roadbed earth scale table, culvert design.

Key words: secondary road; route design; retaining wall; roadbed drainage; pavement structure


第1章 绪论 1

1.1中国公路发展概况 1

1.2选题的意义 1

1.3项目概况 1

1.3.1地形地貌 1

1.3.2地质 1

1.3.3地震 2

1.3.4气候 2

1.3.5水文 2

1.3.6沿线筑路材料的情况 2

第2章 路线设计 3

2.1道路类型及等级论证 3

2.2道路技术标准论证 5

2.2.1计算行车速度 5

2.2.2平面线形标准 5

2.2.3竖曲线要素标准 6

2.2.4车辆荷载标准 6

2.3平面线形设计 6

2.3.1道路选线 6

2.3.2计算举例 8

2.4纵断面设计 13

2.4.1纵断面设计 13

2.4.2竖曲线设计 14

2.4.3计算举例 14

2.5线形组合设计 17

2.5.1组合设计的原则 17

2.5.2线形组合设计要点 17

第3章 路基、路面及排水设计 18

3.1路基设计 18

3.1.1路基宽度 18

3.1.2路基高度 19

3.1.3路基坡度 19

3.1.4路拱坡度 19

3.1.5路基弯道超高,加宽 20

3.1.6确定沿线路基取土、弃土位置 23

3.1.7计算土石方数量并进行调配 24

3.1.8路线方案比选 24

3.1.9挡土墙设计 26

3.1.10防护工程设计 31

3.2路面设计 32

3.2.1设计资料 32

3.2.2沥青混凝土路面 33

3.2.3水泥混凝土路面 41

3.2.4方案比选 47

3.3排水设计 47

3.3.1设计原则 48

3.3.2排水设施的构造与布置 48

第4章 桥涵、交叉设计 50

4.1桥梁设计 50

4.1.1桥址的选择 50

4.1.2桥型、桥长的设计 50

4.2涵洞设计 50

4.2.1涵洞的形式 50

4.2.2涵洞的设计与布置 50

4.3立交设计 51

第5章 结论 52

参考文献 53

致谢 54

第1章 绪论












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