2021-03-23 22:45:58
摘 要
The ship power system is a relatively independent power system, which is one of the indispensable core systems of modern ships. Aiming at the ship integrated power system constructed by the inverter power supply and the diesel auxiliary system, there are many typical operation modes, it is very complicated and important to optimize and implement the power supply mode conversion strategy between them. In the MATLAB / Simulink simulation environment, the simulation model of the inverter power supply and the diesel auxiliary system is established, and the influencing factors of the switching strategy are studied. And further verify the correctness and feasibility of the constructed control strategy.
The main research of this project is to use the inverter power supply and diesel auxiliary generator as the power of the ship integrated power system, design grid-connected inverter, through the relevant parameters of the system to make it meet the grid requirements. In the MATLAB / Simulink software platform to build the corresponding power system simulation model, in this system model based on a variety of different conditions of the grid experiment, the main inverter system and grid control experiment and synchronous motor and network experiments.
Through the research of this subject, we can clearly understand the operation status of the integrated power system of the ship, which is beneficial to the research and optimization of the ship's electric power operation under the actual working conditions.
Keywords: ship power system, inverter power supply, diesel auxiliary, MATLAB / Simulink, grid
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究目的和意义 1
1.2国内外的研究现状 2
1.3船舶电力系统的特点 3
1.4船电系统仿真技术概述 3
1.5MATLAB/Simulink概述 4
1.6本文的主要内容 5
第二章 并网逆变器原理 6
2.1逆变电源 6
2.2锁相环 7
2.3坐标变换原理 10
第三章 船舶并网逆变器仿真 13
3.1仿真模型搭建 13
3.1.1逆变电源及滤波 14
3.1.2信号检测模块 15
3.1.3坐标变换模块 16
3.1.4并网控制模块 18
3.2仿真结果 19
第四章 同步电机并网仿真 20
4.1电网侧变换器控制 20
4.1.1电压电流双闭环控制 20
4.1.2电网侧变换器仿真图 22
4.2同步电机控制 22
4.2.1发电机侧变流器控制 22
4.2.2发电机侧变流器仿真 23
4.3电机并网控制的原理 25
4.4仿真结果 26
4.4.1正常工作仿真 26
4.4.2加扰动下的仿真 28
第五章 总结与展望 31
参考文献 32
附录 35
致谢 36
第一章 绪论
能源,是人们赖以生存的基本保障、社会进步与生活加强的驱动力,已经成为人类的生活中不能忽视的一环。但是一石油为例的传统化石能源已经接近枯竭,在短时间内是不能再生的,其储量也在不断减少,它们的应用前景越来越窄。此外,大量的化石能源的燃烧会制造非常庞大的硫氧化物、氮氧化物等对人类及自然有害的物质,引起及其严重的环境灾难,酸雨、土地沙漠化、这些严重的环境问题将会越来越多出现在人类的生活当中。同时这些燃料的燃烧还会导致大气中二氧化碳和粉尘数量急剧的增加,温室效应效应编的越来越严重, PM2.5超常的问题已经在全球蔓延开来。为了解决好环境的保护和有限的资源这两大社会问题,越来越多的国家及地区开始重视起新能源发电技术的开发与利用。
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