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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2021-03-18 21:25:30  

摘 要






With so much support,Chinese online game industry develops rapidly .The network game industry is in a rapid development period..However,faced with different kinds of problems ,online game companies face unprecedented challenges.The question that how to seize the opportunity become the focus of each game company.The paper put forward opinions to network game companies’ operations management from development pattern,marketing pattern,profit pattern,service pattern and management pattern for better development of online game company,and the healthy development of the network game industry.

The overall structure of the paper is divided into three parts:firstly,there will be a classification and concept of online games and development status and trend of domestic and foreign network game for comparative analysis.The background of the thesis research will get on in this section.Secondly,game company operation mode at home and abroad are stated and analyzed, including the development and marketing of online games game profit service and management of the operation of other related factors, and concluded the characteristics of the company operations management game.At last,combined the actual method to a real case to the current problems existing in the online game company more in-depth explanation, solutions, and make a summary and limitations.

In short, the network game company wants to get advantage in the fierce competition of market, have to be inside and outside and repair, developing its own unique characteristics, improve the quality of the game set reasonable profit and promotion mode, improve the management of the network game market, constant innovation So these problems solution is put forward for the network game company research and development to provide certain reference value.

Key Words:network game;enterprise operations;operations management

目 录

第1章 引言 1

1.1 选题的目的及意义 1

1.2 论文相关研究现状 1

1.3 本文的特色与创新之处 2

1.4 论文结构的框架图 2

1.4.1 论文的第一部分框架 3

1.4.2 论文的第二部分框架 4

1.4.3 论文的第三部分框架 5

第2章 网络游戏的发展现状 6

2.1 网络游戏的概念及分类 6

2.1.1 网络游戏的概念 6

2.1.2 网络游戏的分类 6

2.2 国外网络游戏发展现状 7

2.3 国内网络游戏发展现状 8

2.3.1 网络游戏市场现状 8

2.3.2 网络游戏发展现状的特点 9

2.4 网络游戏产业链状况 10

第3章 网络游戏公司运营模式分析 12

3.1 目前国内网络游戏公司的类型 12

3.1.1 自有产权型 12

3.1.2 代理运营型 12

3.1.3 综合门户型 12

3.2 国内网络游戏运营的基本模式 13

3.2.1 网络游戏的开发模式 13

3.2.2 网络游戏的营销模式 13

3.2.3 网络游戏的盈利模式 14

3.2.4 网络游戏的客户服务管理 16

3.3国内外游戏公司运营模式对比分析 16

3.3.1 产业环境分析 16

3.3.2 运营模式分析 18

第4章 7K7K网络游戏公司运营管理分析与探究 19

4.1 游戏运营情况分析 19

4.1.1 公司概况 19

4.1.2 公司运营的游戏介绍 19

4.2 公司运营管理模式存在的问题 20

4.2.1 开发模式——研发能力不足 21

4.2.2 营销模式——宣传推广欠缺 21

4.2.3 服务管理欠缺 21

4.3 公司运营管理模式改善意见 22

4.3.1 转变开发模式 22

4.3.2 优化推广方式 22

4.3.3 设置合理盈利模式 22

4.3.4 加强用户服务管理 23

第5章 结论 24

参考文献 25

致 谢 26

第1章 引言

1.1 选题的目的及意义



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