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 2021-03-01 13:23:35  

摘 要

资产定价作为金融工程的核心任务之一,Willian Sharpe于1964年首次提出了资本资产定价模型——CAPM模型,此后有关资本资产定价模型的研究成为了金融领域的重要课题之一。金融资产的定价也成为研究工作者普遍关心的问题。





As asset pricing is one of the core tasks of finance,Willian Sharpe established the first financial asset pricing model which was named CAPM. After that ,the discussion about asset pricing model has not been stopped yet. Reasonable asset pricing can make investors more rational when investing, increase investors’ confidence to improve market running efficiency and maintain market’s origin order.

This paper is based on the market capitalization of the companies in the CSI 300 index to select the top 30 stocks. After that,based on CAPM model and Fama-French three factors model we do the empirical tests respectively for the data of the selected stocks. The comparison analysis between these two models is made on the method of goodness of fit, cross-section regression and signed rank sum test. The result above suggests that the overall effect of Fama-French three factors model which is adding two variables to CAPM model during the study period is poor. Meanwhile, to build the optimal statistical factors, we use the principal component analysis method and select four principal components. Then we improve origin Fama-French three factors model based on the selected principal components which the overall effect is better than the original model. In the end, we directly make regression between the dependent variables in the original model and the four principal components. The result suggests this model is more advantageous than the model discussed above.

In this paper, we do empirical tests based on the CSI 300 index for Fama-French three factors model and use the principal component analysis method to improve the original model which result shows that the improved model is superior to the origin. It has certain reference significance to the asset pricing based on Fama-French three factors model.

Key words:CAPM model; Fama-French three factors model; The principal component analysis; Assets pricing

目 录

第1章 绪论 2

1.1 研究背景及意义 2

1.1.1 研究背景 2

1.1.2 研究意义 2

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国内研究现状 2

1.2.2 国外研究现状 2

1.3 主要内容和创新点 2

1.3.1 主要内容及结构 2

1.3.2 创新点 2

1.4 符号说明 2

第2章 相关模型与方法介绍 2

2.1 CAPM模型 2

2.2 Fama-French三因素模型 2

2.3 主成分分析方法 2

2.4 横截面回归及符号秩和检验 2

第3章 因素构建及数据基本统计分析 2

3.1 因素构建 2

3.1.1 沪深300指数简介 2

3.1.2 样本股选取 2

3.1.3 因素构建 2

3.2 数据基本统计分析 2

第4章 Fama-French三因素模型有效性的实证分析 2

4.1 模型的有关检验 2

4.2 基本模型的实证检验 2

4.2.1 CAPM模型的实证检验 2

4.2.2 Fama-French三因素模型的实证检验 2

4.2.3 CAPM模型和Fama-French三因素模型有效性比较 2

4.3 基于主成分分析法构建的模型检验 2

4.3.1 主成分的提取和解释 2

4.3.2 基于主成分改进Fama-French三因素模型 2

4.3.3 提取的主成分对收益率的回归 2

4.4 沪深300样本外股票的简单讨论 2

4.5 本章小结 2

第5章 总结与展望 2

5.1 本文总结 2

5.2 有关建议 2

5.3 展望 2

参考文献 2

附 录 2

致 谢 2

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

1.1.1 研究背景


经典的资本资产定价模型当属Willian Sharpe建立的CAPM模型。Willian Sharpe于1964年建立了第一个金融资产定价均衡模型:CAPM(资本资产定价模型)[4], CAPM模型操作简单,因此在证券定价、风险控制、研究投资组合等领域有广泛的应用。然而,CAPM模型的假设存在一定的问题,其中最突出的问题是在求模型的横截面期望回报时,模型只有考虑一个因素,即市场风险因子。很显然,这无法对复杂的股票市场进行很好地解释的。而且从上世纪七八十年代以来,学者们发现经典的CAPM模型并不是很完美,对CAPM模型的疑惑也不断出现。在这个阶段,学者们发现了许多不寻常的股票回报,例如,Bondt和Thaler于1987年发现了股票长期回报存在反转现象[5],Jegadeesh和Titman于1993年发现了股票短期回报趋于持续的现象[6],CAPM模型对于这些反常现象是无法解释。同时,根据“个股的横截面可预测性证据”,其主要包括两方面:规模效应和价值效应。前者是指股票收益率与公司规模负相关的一种现象;后者是指股票收益率与账面市值比正相关的一种现象,这两者同样是有悖于CAPM的[7]

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